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The Keys of Solomon

Started by Matt Gwinn, March 21, 2002, 04:33:59 PM

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Matt Gwinn

About four years ago Moose and I started work on a game called the keys of Solomon.  We came up with some great stuff for it, but as time went by our creative diffences (which we now know relate to GNS) along with the emergence of a similar game (Unknown Armies) left our attempts collecting dust in an unaccessed file on my computer.

Well, I opened that folder today and am intent on bringing the game back to life with a new premise and a new Premise.

The one thing I am intent on keeping is our theories on Magic and how it works.  You can download the 11 page PDF here

I have always been prowd of that aspect of the game.

Another aspect I would like to keep is the use of 12 sided dice.  I want the system to have a zodiac connection relating to character's nitch in the universe.  

The system we used was VERY simulationist and I'd like to tone that down some and get something a bit more manageable.

If anyone has any system ideas, or if you know of an existing system that could benifit from the magic theory we created, I'd love to hear about it.

,Matt G.

Edited because Angelfire won't allow direct links to PDFs.
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Mike Holmes

I like it. I don't really have any comment on where you should go with it, but it's a coherent explanation of Magic. All I found was the Magic ifo, however. I didn't see what you were referring to with the zodiac and d12 system. Did I miss something? Is there anything else you can share with us?

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Matt Gwinn

QuoteAll I found was the Magic ifo, however. I didn't see what you were referring to with the zodiac and d12 system. Did I miss something? Is there anything else you can share with us?

That stuff isn't there.  I want to redo the system entirely, so I didn't include any of it.
The basic part of the system I want to keep is that players use 12 siders and they have an aligned and opposed number that is based on their zodiac sign.  the way the system works currently is, when a player rolls their aligned number they can roll that die again and add the second die.  When they role their opposed number it counts as a zero.

I can put up some of the older stuff if anyone really wants to see it.

Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at

Matt Gwinn

Ok, I've added links for character creation, game mechanics, combat and Health rules.  If anything looks salvagable let me know.

,Matt G.
Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
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