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Gamers Kidnap President -- for Charity

Started by GregStolze, September 22, 2005, 04:00:15 PM

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Those of you who've followed the successes of the Ransom model (the funding mode for Meatbot Massacre and Spaaace! may be interested to know that a new game's in limbo, waiting for gamer dollars to buy its freedom.

The game is "Executive Decision" and it's a real-time LARP set in the Oval Office.  Players assume the roles of the President and his closest advisors as they confront a crisis and have to pick the best optinon based on limited information and political pressure.  It's diceless and rules-light (the resolution mechanic is pretty much "talk to the President and he decides") but there is a scoring system that determines which player won the game.  It's fun.  That's the good news.

The better news is that it's a collaboration between Ron Edwards, D. Vincent Baker, Dennis Detwiller, Chad Underkoffler, and me.  You'll see some A-Game when this comes out.

The best news of all is, we're ransoming it for charity.  100% of all proceeds will go to the Red Cross to help victims of Hurrican Katrina (and, by the time we're done, possibly that other one too). 

More will be revealed at but if you're ready to poke some cash in now, you can go straight to and do your good deed for the day.




If you have a little press release or something, I'll include info on your project in my October newsletter.  So many people want to help but aren't sure how, so I'm trying to collect interesting ways people can help with the relief effort...and this is very interesting.

jdawson (@)

Home of Neiyar: Land of Heaven and the Abyss, RPG and writer resources, fiction, contests, merchandise, and more.


This is a great idea.  I see that Executive Decision already 26-50% ransomed, after one day. Wow.

It actually sounds like the games I used to run in grad school for the undergrads, where they get to play diplomats from different countries trying to avoid nuclear war (or not :).


Quote from: xenopulse on September 23, 2005, 03:15:45 AM
It actually sounds like the games I used to run in grad school for the undergrads, where they get to play diplomats from different countries trying to avoid nuclear war (or not :).

The game is quite much like that, though I can't recall if anyone did an Armageddon scenario.


Chad Underkoffler []

Atomic Sock Monkey Press

Available Now: Truth & Justice

Andrew Morris

Wow...killer lineup of designers. I'm looking forward to seeing more about this game. Nothing to ask or contribute, really, I just wanted to say, "cool."
Download: Unistat


Quote from: Andrew Morris on September 23, 2005, 05:55:04 PM
Wow...killer lineup of designers. I'm looking forward to seeing more about this game. Nothing to ask or contribute, really, I just wanted to say, "cool."

I concur with Mr. Morris' sentiment and will stand by it when it comes time to vote on the matter.


We're 40% there as of today, with about a month to got.  I'm guardedly optimistic.



Quote from: GregStolze on September 24, 2005, 11:15:50 PM
We're 40% there as of today, with about a month to got.  I'm guardedly optimistic.


Just a thread bump: Greg says that the game is around 85% ransomed.

That means that another $150 (15 people at $10, or 8 people at $20) can get Executive Decision released.

Remember, it's for charity. (Also, it's an interesting game, suitable for mixed groups of gamers and non-gamers.)


Chad Underkoffler []

Atomic Sock Monkey Press

Available Now: Truth & Justice


...and now it's free.  Head on over to and poke that big "Downloads" button.  Go buck wild, Mr. President!
