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Posting of Settings without rules systems?

Started by Kenway, April 11, 2002, 04:50:44 PM

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With the new indie rpgs forum rules, is it okay to post rpg settings/worlds that you create and/or need help with that you don't intend on having a rules system attached to it?
 I'm reminded of an old thread that discussed how some published rpgs had really cool settings but horrible rules.  I'm sure some of us, myself included, have interesting settings that we want to post and seek input on, but are unsure of the rules.  In many cases, something like The Pool or WFD are perfectly usable.
 Possibly, should there be another forum that's devoted solely to settings?


I've never seen objections raised about posting setting-exclusive material.  You're sure to get questions and ideas about rules, but that often facilitates creativity.  

The same goes the other way, by the by.  Post rules-exclusive material, and you're sure to get questions and ideas about rules.  Any component of indie game design is welcome here, as long as it centers on a game you're working on/have completed, that is your own intellectual property.


I was kinda wondering a similar thing.  Being heavily interested in setting, although this is not the Forge's main interest.  Perhaps a forum for setting discussion would be workable; the danger I guess might be that varying interpretations of setting turn into flame wars.

OTOH as we are now also looking at dynamic settings, extension of directorialism, potentially a reclassification of Simulationism - is there ground to be made by discussing RPG setting as a distinct entity?
Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci

Jared A. Sorensen

Quote from: contracycleOTOH as we are now also looking at dynamic settings, extension of directorialism, potentially a reclassification of Simulationism - is there ground to be made by discussing RPG setting as a distinct entity?

I don't see the value of it.

The Forge is about game design...and having a setting forum would be akin to having a forum about what kind of dice to use or statistical analysis or how to paint miniatures. They're all just elements of design.

You can throw a rock online and hit at least one RPG forum site where they talk about settings.

(and to paraphrase a line from Barton Fink, "Throw it hard.")
jared a. sorensen /


I didn't mean "discussing setting."  I just meant posting homemade rpg worlds.

Jared A. Sorensen

Quote from: KenwayOops.
I didn't mean "discussing setting."  I just meant posting homemade rpg worlds.

I heartily recommend folks putting up web pages or writing stuff in design journals (using live journal or blogger or whatever). Then, when all the stuff is there, we can all discuss it.
jared a. sorensen /

Ron Edwards

Hi there,

I think Jared's nailed it, along with Laurel. Discuss setting all you want, and be prepared for feedback that taps into all other aspects of game design too.

There isn't any Forge policy that's anti-setting. If someone wants to discuss setting as a primary driver in a Narrativist Premise, I'll be there - hell, I already have been there, regarding Glorantha.

However, as Jared suggested, "posting setting" as a big chunk is probably not the way to go, just as posting an entire system design is (usually) not what people do. If you have a website, pop it up there, or discuss server space with Clinton if you want some (he can recommend the best options, at the very least), or even just tell us we can email you for an attached file. On the forums, explaining the salient or most-engaging points of the setting would probably be the best approach.



Quote from: Jared A. SorensenThe Forge is about game design...and having a setting forum would be akin to having a forum about what kind of dice to use or statistical analysis or how to paint miniatures. They're all just elements of design.

I second that notion. Let's talk about worlds and settings only when it's important to the design process of the game.

Joe Llama