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I Spent Zero Dollars (Sort Of) - Indie Publishing

Started by Nathan, April 25, 2002, 10:55:42 PM

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I've been quiet because I have been hard at work on indie stuff and regular stuff. I've got some cool news coming around the corner. But check out my stupid pictures below:">Cover Picture

Say hello to Eldritch Ass Kicking in printed form. Yes, the game that allows you to kick sorcerous ass across the continent now comes in eldritch whipping form. The cover art is clipart, but it works -- unfortunately, it isn't royalty free, so it is just a test cover art for the moment.">Inside Cover

A picture of the inside cover -- kewl....">Interior Pages

A picture of a few of the pages... Pretty cool considering I spent ZERO dollars on it. Luckily, I have access to a big printer. Only thing I bought was regular old paper -- but, some folks left a bunch of yellowish paper here that works great as a cover piece.

Yeehaw -- a cool hand-stapled good looking cheap RPG. It looks like an RPG.... It acts like an RPG... It is an RPG!!

This is what I plan on selling at Gencon w/ w/o art.

Let me know what you think.

REVISED: Sorry, Ron -- what are you using? Linux? Amiga? a TRS-80? Hehehe....

Serving imagination since '99
Eldritch Ass Kicking:

Ron Edwards


Please revise the above post. #1, do not include pictures with your posts at all. #2, provide a link to the pictures on another site.

That oughta do it. I'd really like to see what this is all about, but right now it's all a big mess on the screen.


Matt Machell


It looks pretty funky for something that cost nothing.

My only query is the layout of the cover, the title is a bit lost down at the bottom, and you've got all that space essentially unused near the top. I'd suggest a slightly bolder font for the title too.

Good luck with flogging it.



The game is actually half-size (the pictures are cheap and may be misleading). It is a paper folded in half - like the size of Ninja Burger/Kobolds Ate My Baby/ and so on. I guess I did spend money on it -- I bought the regular white paper, but I don't remember when I bought it. Many moons ago me thinks...

And yeah, the cover art is terrible... Well, the art is fine. The art is by Stephen Fabian, who has a website -- but everytime I try to email him, it crashes or something. The piece is an old school fantasy thing, but it FITS perfectly.. and I hadn't ever seen the art until after I was working on EAK. But anyway, that picture is actually a shrinked version from the ol' PDF version I was distributing...

Otherwise, I was going to end up spending $250 or so on a print run of 50. This way, I can buy more paper and only spend like $50 on a print run of 50... KICK ASS... ;)

Serving imagination since '99
Eldritch Ass Kicking:

Ron Edwards

Hey Nathan,

Maybe I'm missing the relevant information somewhere, but let me know: how do I acquire my spiffy copy of Eldritch Ass Kicking? Is there a PayPal link set up, or anything like that?


P.S. My God, man, speak of Stephen Fabian with respect. He's one of the great fantasy illustrators of all time.


Do not worry Ron. Do not worry.

I am in the midst of bludgeoning out the updated version. I will email you a copy as soon as it is done. I am somewhat behind on all of my download requests because I am so close to finishing up this version. If you want a copy of the old version, I can send that -- but, it isn't exactly updated.


He is one of the greatest? Sweet Lord. I really do like his art, but I didn't recognize his name. I just tried emailing him and will see if it works. Maybe he will cut me a deal, but if not, I shall survive.

Serving imagination since '99
Eldritch Ass Kicking:

Zak Arntson

Looks good, but I sadly won't be at GenCon, so I'll have to wait for it to go on sale.

Also, be sure you get permission before you sell something with that art on it!! Even if it is an ashcan-style product, I'd hate for you to get in trouble (legal or reputation). Heck, if you can't get permission, do a plea on the Forge. I'd also suggest some digital painting forums, which tend to have inexperienced but very talented artists who you may talk into helping you. The forums at these websites are great:



I am working on the permission thing.

Here is a question: Do you think regular ol' printer paper will be fine for this? Should I plunk down some money for a little higher quality paper? Or what?

Since this is going to be a one time deal, I suppose cheap is the keyword - cheap and FASTER.

Serving imagination since '99
Eldritch Ass Kicking:

Matt Gwinn

One problem I ran into with the Wyrd ash can last year was that when I sent the paper back through the printer to print the second side after a while the pages started getting a little streaked due to the stary tone the back side of the page was leaving behind.

I'm not sure if the problem is the cheep laser printer I was using or what.  Moose and I didn't get any compaints about it though.  Then again it was free.

I decided to shell out the extra cash this year for Kayfabe so I wouldn't have to worry about that.

,Matt G.
Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at