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How many copies should I have for GenCon?

Started by GregStolze, February 28, 2007, 10:21:08 PM

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REIGN will be ready soon.  (No, really.  Soon.)  I'm going to GenCon and I'm wondering how many copies I should bring to sell.  What do y'all think?



I know last year at GenCon, Brennan brought about 50 copies of each game for IPR for the Forge booth (if he had 'em).  That seemed to be a good supply for the medium to heavy sellers, oversupply for the slow sellers, and might have been a little short for the heavy sellers.

I'm betting Reign might be a heavy one.  Maybe a hundred?

Matt Snyder

Agreed. Greg, I think you'll get good response. I'd estimate you'd do very well to bring at least a hundred, possibly as much as double that.
Matt Snyder

"The future ain't what it used to be."
--Yogi Berra

Ben Lehman

Over 100 for a new game, over 50 for a non-new game.  It's not that you should necessarily expect to sell that much.  It's that it's way better to over-pack than under-pack.
