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Lost/Survivors style game

Started by JB Mannon, January 16, 2008, 05:27:04 AM

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JB Mannon

I am thinking somewhere along the lines that their should be two sets of axes where points rest.  These axes are, love, hate; trust, fear and strength, skill; charisma, wisdom.  These two sets represent the personal and the physical sides of life.  These stats work very similarly to the stats in Best Friends in that a players point value in any one stat is set by the other players and if they want to exert that stat they must give up points to another player.  I think there should be a limited number of scenes that each player can have in each session and these scenes must be chosen from a specific pool of potential scenes.  Depending on how much spotlight any one character has during a session will determine how many scenes they can have and what kinds of scenes those can be. 

Conflicts will be strait number comparison with a few potential complications.  First, the type of scene it is determines what stats are compared in order to determine who has narration of the scene.  I think that each scene type will have three different stats possibly being used.  Second, players can chose which of the available stats to use in the comparison.  Third, a player may at any time chose to wrest narrative control from the other player in two different ways.  He may chose to push one of his stats (giving another player more points in that stat at the cost of their own stat) in order to add the stats new total to their side of the conflict.  He may also chose to bring one of the other possible stats into the conflict thus adding that stats total to the conflict total.

At the end of every session each player moves their spotlight value from one of the three potential ends into one of the other potential ends (escape, integration, or acceptance).  When one of that player's potentials is full one of two things happens.  If she filled escape or integration she then get to move the plot for the survivors forward in that direction by revealing one of the obstacles in the way of the survivors accomplishing that goal.  The players should set the obstacles in the way of either integration or escape.  Each player should come up with one obstacle.  If the player filled the acceptance potential then that character has fulfilled her ultimate purpose and dies (the player can now take one of the other background characters as hers) she also get to reveal a secret about the island to one of the other players.  Theses secrets should also be created by the players and the secret that she reveals does not have to be the one she created.
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