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A thought on IRC

Started by Demonspahn, September 06, 2002, 10:46:16 AM

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Hi everyone.  It just occurred to me (while reading the Orx post among others) that this site would be ideal for soliciting players for online/IRC games---not thinking campaigns here but maybe just quick one nighters to see how well new rules systems actually work, socialize with people (other game designers?) who can give you legitimate/useful feedback and can tell you what they like and don't like about the game itself.  This could be done by posting a simple  Looking for [insert RPG] players to meet on [insert date] at [insert IRC/chat room], with details like the length of the session, what is expected, other info, etc. in the actual post.  Does this sound interesting to anyone and which of the forums (if any, powers that be) would be appropriate to solicit?    

Sorry if this is already being done or been discussed.  I'm slow sometimes.  :)



Well, crud.  Maybe that's one of the purposes of:

Told you guys I was slow sometimes.  :)
