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Started by Marco, April 11, 2003, 03:10:16 PM

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I realize this here party's getting popular, but if there's an opening, I am definitely interested in throwing my almighty hold (look upon my works ye mighty, and despair!) of the powers of darkness into things.

C. Edwards

Well, I'm an Agent of Chaos and they let me play.  A little Darkness shouldn't be a problem. :)

I'm looking forward to when we have enough people playing on the same night that two different games can be played.  That would give me that tingley feeling all over.



Ok--I'm gettin the apprentice rules. Should do me fine until I get the real book. Give me further enlightenment when available.

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One thing that should probably be made clear, is that while Sorcerer is a powerful narrativist game, the mechanics aren't particularly earth shattering in this regard.  

Don't get me wrong, there are some very cool mechanics in there, just nothing that upon downloading the Apprentice rules or reading through the book is going to cause one to smack ones head and say "Aha, so THAT'S what a narrativist mechanic looks like".

A big part of Sorcerer play is the mindset and the determination to take the tools of the mechanics and run with them in a narrativist fashion.  Without that mindset and commitment what you get is basically Sim Lite with a rules set that is interesting but will hardly knock your socks off for that purpose.


Marco, your time frame works just fine for me.

As for the further development of this session, everyone, I suggest we take it to the Indie Netgaming list?
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio


Done--I posted there.

JAGS (Just Another Gaming System)
a free, high-quality, universal system at:
Just Released: JAGS Wonderland