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Started by Marco, April 11, 2003, 03:10:16 PM

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Hey guys,

I'm looking into some strongly Narrativist play--I don't want to *hear* about it--or be *told* about it--no, I want the whole echilada. I wanna *play* it.

Since time and distance are an issue, If someone here who runs a mean sorceror game is willing to join me in an online session with a few other people who are interested (Forge posters or otherwise), I figure we can meet the Actual Play requirements by posting the transcripts.

So who can I get (my schedule is pretty free--I'm sure we can work somthing out).

JAGS (Just Another Gaming System)
a free, high-quality, universal system at:
Just Released: JAGS Wonderland

Mike Holmes

I'd like to play (surprise!), but we'd need more specifics? When you say, "online" are you talking chat, mail, or something else?

You could probably get this going in no time off of Indie Netgaming. In any case, actual organization of such a game is more suited for there, and the reason it exists, really.

I'd be willing to either play or run. I'm not the world's best Narrativist GM, but I can do it, I think (might be better to see a mediocre Narrativist GM than a good one). I've been thinking of doing that game about Animal Spirits in a sorta Werewolfy sorta way. Or the Cuthulhu by Gaslight sort of game. Lot's of things I could get roped into.

Hey, maybe we could rope Ron into finally playing an online game after all this time...  :-)

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


I ... didn't know indie net gaming existed--okay. I'm partial to modern-day visceral horror, but I'm also easy-going (whever turns the GM on). If I hadda make a choice, I'd think I'd rather play beside ya.

I figure if Ron wanted to, there wouldn't be a better pick out there.

JAGS (Just Another Gaming System)
a free, high-quality, universal system at:
Just Released: JAGS Wonderland

Ron Edwards

Sorry guys,

I have serious reservations about my abilities in on-line role-playing in the first place, and there's a whole time-crunch issue going on as well. So count me out, although I of course am happy to see it happen.



Raven was making noises about running a Sorcerer game over on the Indie-netgaming list a while back. Maybe we could bludgeon him into showing up long enough to actually do it.

Plus, Marco, Sorcerer isn't the *only* narrativist game out there. Bob McNamee just started a Trollbabe game on our IRC channel. We've also got an off & on Universalis game going that Mike says "defaults to narrativism."

We did about a three week run of Jame's The Questing Beast a while back, and should be doing more as soon as he gets the next draft finished.

So mosey on over and join up! :)

Mike Holmes

Quote from: MarcoI ... didn't know indie net gaming existed-

Cripes, I'm apalled. We mention it all the time, and still loads of people have no idea. We're just not getting the message out effectively.

Anyhow, so are we moving to Netgaming to discuss?

Ron, you sound like an old man! "Serious reservations" my ass. We'll wait until this summer when classes are out, and you don't have an excuse. And then, oh, the haranaguing you'll get if you try to weasel out of it.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.

Andy Kitkowski

Quote from: Mike Holmes
Quote from: MarcoI ... didn't know indie net gaming existed-

Cripes, I'm apalled. We mention it all the time, and still loads of people have no idea. We're just not getting the message out effectively.

Yeah, I joined like 2 weeks ago.  I found it by clicking on a link here to someone's small-press design page, and it was linked from there. Somehow, I've been missing it all this time.

And it rocks. There's so much gaming gettning organized and going on that I'm completely freaked that not more people get the word out. It was like "Hey guys, the party is HERE!", and I never knew about it until now.  Hell, there's a Japanese Feudal-Era SOAP game going on right now that I'm following vicariously- It totally juiced me into picking that game up!

Mike, are you the original creator of that group?  If so, I suggest you slapping a quick link in your SIG file or something.  I'll probably do the same once the Indie RPG Awards are over. Maybe if more people link to it in their sigs on this and other sites, it would really get the word out...

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.

Mike Holmes

I cannot claim that honor, Andy. It belongs to our own Nathan Banks, AKA Paganinni.

That said, I've never used a sig file. Until now.

Member of Indie Netgaming
-Get your indie game fix online.


Hey, actually, that's not a bad idea, putting a link in the sig. I mean, it's not like I never post here. ;) I'll just have to replace Mike's quote with a big-ol add.

Bob McNamee

Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!


Can't be, Bob. Yours is different - it's missing the space after the second dash!

So, I wonder if it would be a good idea for *all* of the indie-netgaming members to add that line to their sigs (well, I mean, anyone who wants to, of course.) That would certainly raise the profile. (Especially given the amount of posting that Mike does here! :)


Quote from: PaganiniRaven was making noises about running a Sorcerer game over on the Indie-netgaming list a while back.
Yes, foul, horrible, blasphemous sounds! *ppfffffttttttttttrrrrrrtttt* Oh wait, this isn't Elfs!

In all seriousness, I'd love to run a short Sorcerer game and corrupt Marco and the rest of you. Pending my wife's approval (and you know it's that bad when she asks my six year old who the boss is: him or daddy and mommy and he says "Mommy!"), and some pre-game set-up time, I say let's go for it.

Now, you must all sacrifice chocolate to the Goddess Jenny as way of appeasement, and then let's get talking about what kind of Sorcerer game we'd like to play.
Rev. Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Wild Hunt Studio


Honestly, Grey, I was thinking of ya--you know your way around online games so that'd be handy (I have relatively little experience): I've done 1, it lasted 2 hours, and was very cool but used no system.

Sounds good--Ok, here's my situtaion: next week I'm going to order the book (nothing *serious*--but there is a minor cash-flow issue). It'll take 5 days to arrive.

We can go after that. As I've said, I like the visceral modern-day horror (or less visceral--I liked The Ring a good deal. I liked (and I think this is pretty clear) Hellraiser 1 and 2 ... and some of 3).

I won't be getting Sorceror and Sword yet--so I'd prefer to stay away from fantasy (although maybe I'm reading too much in).

But those are my preferences. Since I'm not corrupted yet, I remain interested in what stories *your* interested in telling. As a Zen master might put it 'My cup is pretty empty save for a little bit of slightly cold tea at the bottom.'

JAGS (Just Another Gaming System)
a free, high-quality, universal system at:
Just Released: JAGS Wonderland

Trevis Martin

Hey Marco,

You could download the apprentice rules to get the idea and we could coach you through the rest.  On the other hand, by the time prep is done, you'll probably have it.

And testing the sig for myself

Hmm... a couple more tweaks.


Lance D. Allen

You know what's sad? I've been a member of this group almost from the beginning, and I'm only just now realizing why I've not been getting e-mails... The e-mail address I have listed is dead.

I don't know that I'll actually be able to play with the group at any point in time, as I'm working nights with rotating nights off, but at least now I'll know what's going on.
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls