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Still more game questions

Started by Jasper the Mimbo, May 22, 2003, 09:38:01 PM

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Jasper the Mimbo

1) I read on one of the threads here that starting characters get a number of extra skills based on their MA beyond their starting skill packages. I can't find this anywhere in the book, can someone tell me where it is or if this is a homebrew thing and I just missed that part of the post?

2) Can offensive maneuvers with CP costs be turned into feints if it's available to the weapon? Ex. I am using a case of rapiers, I say I am performing a double strike, pay the 1 CP and alot 7 dice to the attack. You defend with 9 dice. Can I declare a feint? If so, do I get the dice spent for the double strike back since I never really intented to follow through with it in the first place?

3) Are there any rules on firing or throwing missile weapons while moving?
List of people to kill. (So far.)

1. Andy Kitowski
2. Vincent Baker
3. Ben Lehman
4. Ron Edwards
5. Ron Edwards (once isn't enough)

If you're on the list, you know why.


Page 19, right column, last paragraph at bottom of page

Jasper the Mimbo

Thanks Morfedel. That's one down...
List of people to kill. (So far.)

1. Andy Kitowski
2. Vincent Baker
3. Ben Lehman
4. Ron Edwards
5. Ron Edwards (once isn't enough)

If you're on the list, you know why.
