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Art Clearinghouse for Seraphim Guard

Started by Michael Hopcroft, October 22, 2003, 02:15:26 PM

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Michael Hopcroft

Given the sheer number of book projects we've launched at Seeraphim HGuard, our need for art has increased as well. I've set up a yahoogroup for anyone who would be interested in contributing art to SeraphimGuard products. The Seraphim Guard Artist's Clearinghouse Yahoogroup is sort of like one-stop shopping for artists; it provides a place to share ideas, is the first place where new projects with art needs will be announced, and provide support for all our artists.

One of my artists told me this was a long time coming, especially since we recently established a list for our rules/setting developers.
Michael Hopcroft Press: Where you go when you want something unique!