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Followup on Lego game (split)

Started by Asrogoth, January 27, 2004, 09:18:26 PM

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Well, I've been lurking the forums and reading the articles now for about two months or so (maybe a little longer) and this is my first post.  Yes, please take a sigh of relief, I am not posting my fantasy heartbreaker -- yet.  MUHAHAHA

Anyway, as I was slogging through all 50-something pages in the Indie Game Design forum, I came across this great post.

Jeph, I wanted to congratulate you on a really great idea.  I think it's fantastic.  It really is a game the whole family can enjoy.

I was wondering though, could you possibly have rules to make monsters, mechs, ships, cyborgs, fantastic creatures, etc with Legos?  Maybe you could make the game less "gamist" if I have my terminology correct, and more "narrativist"?  Perhaps you could do this by having your players providing descriptors for attributes and allowing game-play to be more generic instead of concentrating on a wide-ranging "Plastic Block"-specific rule-book???

I plan to post more to the site and hope that I might have as much luck being creative as most of you seem to be.
"We know what we know because someone told us it was so."


Hi Kenneth, and welcome to the Forge!

Thanks for the interest! I'm glad you like it. However, in the future, start a new thread instead of ressurecting an old one--the mods around here aren't big fands of thread necromancy.

As for your questions: monsters, mechs, ships, ships, cyborgs, space craft, big trucks with rail guns welded on, and much more are all easily done with BrikWars, but require a bit (lot) more time and effort put into statting up. However, I'm not really interested in de-Gamist-ifying this little concept. It's meant to be a nostalgia trip, of sorts, back to the days when Halfling was a race and you still built giant space ships on a regular basis.

Ironic, since I wasn't alive during the former, and still do the latter. :^D

However, if you wanted Narrativist Adventures With Lego® Bricks, it shouldn't be too hard to come up with a varient of The Pool in which each Trait is represented by some part of your minifig.

Now, let's see that Heartbreaker of yours, eh? ;^)
Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other


I apologize for resurrecting the thread.  I just assumed it was a common practice.   You know what they say about assuming....

Anyway, I was glad to get the info about BrikWars.  Cool.

Have you had any success with your game so far?  Have you done any work on it?  I mean I'd love to see what you've got.  My boys (ages 5, 3) would probably go nuts over something like that.

And concerning MY fantasy game (hopefully it's not a complete heartbreaker), I'm debating about throwing some other ideas out there first (although most of my work has been done on my fantasy game.)

More to come... :)
"We know what we know because someone told us it was so."

Ron Edwards

Hi there,

The above posts were split from PPBRPG: The role-playing game of Lego adventure.

Welcome, Kenneth, and feel free to start a new thread to discuss your own game. Further discussions of PPBRPG can keep going here.


Christopher Weeks

LUGNET is the LEGO User Grout NETwork.  Gaming is a tiny fraction of LUGNET, but you might want to check these out for more brick-based gaming in general:

A newsgroup devoted to using The Brick as a game element.  We've had discussions there about LEGO as an RPG element but nothing brilliant has come about.  There were some interesting discussions of LEGO character sheets.  Do a search if interested.

GLUG is the Game-LEGO user group and we had our premier event at Gencon last year.  (Including the Lumpley game, Mechaton!)  I was the central organizer and golly is it a bunch of work.  Under new management, we are hitting both Gencon and Origins this year as well as some smaller midwest cons.  



Thanks for all the links guys.  I had no idea there was so much out there for Lego RPGing/War Gaming.

It looks as though there is no "narrative" Lego RPG; though, so maybe I will give it a shot -- unless someone else takes one first.

"We know what we know because someone told us it was so."