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Keep it simple

Started by Skar, February 04, 2004, 06:42:25 PM

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I totally agree that you need to have a frank discussion with the group, but from my own past experience I wouldn't be too optimistic that this will solve the problem. I think that your best solution (if an open discussion doesn't produce results) is to just play with the two players that you said you really enjoy playing with and stop trying to make everyone happy. Personally, I'd rather enjoy a small group than let a large, diverse and uncooperative group suck all the fun out of gaming.

Brennan Taylor

As a follow-up, since this has been brought back up to the top of the list, this group did indeed die a timely death. I just didn't have the energy to try to keep it going anymore, and I have only now started back in to gaming again. I took about three months off to let things cool.

That said, the last two game sessions I've had (with different groups than described above) have been fantastic. I'm trying to avoid the problems mentioned above.


Best of luck to you with the new players ;-)
Let us know how it turns out.
"Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus."
--Harry Potter


Hi - just a thought on big groups - they work fine for D&D dungeon crawls and maybe some other sorts (maybe Diplomacy-like PC vs PC intrigue), but they don't leave much space for immersive in-character play & role development at the table.  I run a D&D game with 7 players; they have a good time but I'm very limited in the kind of scenarios I can run.  Most character-development comes about through off-table emails, the online Story Hour etc; at the table they spend most of their time hacking through the enemy or, recently, getting hacked up.    If I wanted a roleplay-heavy game I'd need to stick to around 4 players.  Luckily I'm a pretty Gameist type.  :)

Eric J.

Well I'm sorry that the group didn't work out.  I guess that it wasn't possible in the end.  However, I hope that you find what you're looking for in your new group.

In short, welcome back.

May the wind be always at your back,

Ron Edwards

Hello everyone,

The above posts were split from an older thread called Struggling with a group.
