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Gifts and Flaws

Started by Edge, March 05, 2004, 06:30:51 AM

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K i thought i would start a new thread so it had the right Subject :)
Here are some gifts and flaws i have been playing around with. Tell me what you think :)

I'm not sure about the target numbers for some of the flaws so they might need jacking up... all advice is welcomed

ALBINISM (minor flaw)
You have no natural body pigment, your hair and eyes are pink white and your eyes are pink.
As an Albino you will always be remembered and can never blend into a crowd.
Direct sunlight is to be avoided with every 30 mins of ordinary sunlight or 15 mins of hot summer or desert sun requiring a TO/TN 7 roll.
Failure results in you receiving a level 1 wound to be applied to the general wound chart.
Even if you succeed you are still going to be sunburnt just not severely so.

EPILEPSY (major flaw)
You have a severe form of epilepsy that subjects you to seizures during which your limbs tremble uncontrollably and you cannot speak or think clearly.
If you are ever find yourself in a stressful situation (especially if your life or the life of a friend is in immediate danger) you must roll Ht/TN 7.
Failure results in a seizure that lasts for D10/2 rnds (min 1 rnd).
You can do nothing while the seizure goes on and you are fatigued for the length of the seizure x 10 in mins after the seizure ends as if you had been fighting for ENx 2 rounds.

more to come...


You are a Bleeder, Even small wounds if not treated may become fatal due to bloodloss.
Everytime you receive a wound the BL is re-applied every round until treatment is performed.
For example if you receive a wound that carries a BL of 8 in round 1, at the beginning of round 2 you would make your BL roll against BL 8 as normal then at the beginning of round 3 it is BL 16 and then in round 4 it is BL 24 and so on and so forth.

GLUTTONY (Minor Flaw)
You are overly fond of food and drink.  You always overburden yourself with extra provisons.  You will never willingly miss a meal.
If you are ever tempted with a tasty morsel of food, a fine wine or perhaps a superbly aged Brandy which for some reason you need to resist you must make a successful WP/TN 9 roll.


Regarding the seizure flaw..
Since one round is equivalent to 1 or 2 seconds..
I find this minimum too low. The flaw would best mimick reality if it occurred for a minimum of one minute.. as this is approximately the amount of time that a classmate of mine in high school had a seizure after forgetting to take his medicine.

The gluttony thing really ties in well with obese characters.. i.e. that's their minor flaw if they chose priority F... with their major flaw being obesity. OR like me, they can be a glutton such as I.. that happens to have a waaaaay high metabolism. I can't gain a pound of weight and keep it on for any significant amount of time.

The hemophilia is essentially the opposite of quick-healing in actual concept.
Great idea. Possibly add modifiers to the surgery or first aid TN's or take away dice from NPCs or PC performing those skills on a hemophiliac.

Aside from that, keep the gifts and flaws coming. One can never have too many choices in that regard. Also, think of more sorcery gifts and flaws for the people that create sorcerous characters.



BULLY (Minor Flaw)
You absolutely love to push people around, wherever you can get away with it.  Through social cutting, intellectual harassment or the tried and true physical attacks.
Make a WP/TN 7 roll to avoid bullying when you know you shouldn't.  This is a good roleplaying opportunity and you should bully anybody you can.
If people are aware of your bullying you lose 1 Dice in any social based roll involving them.


Yeah after looking at my notes it is meant to be d10/2 minutes not rounds :)
cheers for the feedback i will keep them coming  :)

Lance D. Allen

Two things:

Bully: essentially the same thing as Trouble Maker (minor form of Bloodlust).

Hemophilia: Yeouch! It seems a little extreme to me, but as I've never seen a hemophiliac bleed, it could be dead on the money.

Overall, a good selection of flaws.
~Lance Allen
Wolves Den Publishing
Eternally Incipient Publisher of Mage Blade, ReCoil and Rats in the Walls