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never ending fight

Started by lokdu, March 08, 2004, 11:46:55 AM

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sure but what about a full chain opponent or (chain plate) with a shield and same skill than you. Most of the time you hit for 0 thanks to toughness + armor + defense succes , you can try all you wants against that you will need a lot of round and some luck for a decent hit.


Quote from: lokdusure but what about a full chain opponent or (chain plate) with a shield and same skill than you. Most of the time you hit for 0 thanks to toughness + armor + defense succes , you can try all you wants against that you will need a lot of round and some luck for a decent hit.

a) take advantage of the large CP penalty he's suffering from from all that armor. and/or

b) get yourself a weapon designed to fight armored an estoc or pole axe. or

c) be prepared to fight a long drawn out battle waiting for your opponent to get tired (which heavily armored guys generally do faster than lightly armored ones).

or there's also

d) use some tricks and good tactical allocation of dice.

I've reread your last battle, and I think one of the big problems you're having is that you're fighting yourself.  You know what you are trying to do, you know what you're going to have your opponent do, and you know exactly how many dice both sides have.

Try fighting the simulator two player with a friend.  Don't reveal how many dice you have to him or him to you.

Now play it out.  Its ALOT different when you don't already know in advance what your opponent is going to do.


Yes valamir i think you are right when you say i fight myself and it's not like fighting a real opponent.
The combat i posted was not good , now i have played a lot with simulator  i can make better fight but allways need a lot of round for the first hit ( toughness + chain + defense  problem ). Perhaps it's because i fight alone as you said.
But i think i will house rule the toughness because it's strange to negate more damage with toughness than with chain armor !


   This is partially the reason I play the house rule that TO only subtracts from an opponents ST not sucessses or weapon bonuses.

On the other hand, you were fighting yourself a lot. look at the following fight I did just for kicks, the first few rounds armor did away with any successes I could come up with - but if you see at the end where I had both parties repeatedly attacking an unarmored area -  it took only two combat rounds to end the fight. (die rolling could have made it go longer or shorter)

The point is: Don't attack armored areas...

And if a guy is wearing full plate you better have a weapon which is made for puncturing armor - or a few handy friends.

QuoteFirst engagement...

Stefan gains +2CP for his aggressive stance
Stefan takes a swing at Geralt's arms/hands with 7 dice...

Geralt gains +2CP for his defensive stance
Geralt tries to bash aside Stefan's weapon with 8 dice, leaving it open for a counter attack...
(TN 6) 2, 2, 7, 5, 6, 11, 5  - Result: 3
(TN 6) 8, 5, 15, 7, 5, 7, 8, 4  - Result: 5

Stefan rolls and gets 3 successes.
Geralt rolls and gets 5 successes.

So, Geralt successfully blocks the attack and steals initiative, gaining 2 dice on his next attack!

Second engagement...

Geralt gains 2 dice from a successful Block Open move.

Geralt takes a swing at Stefan's lower legs with 5 dice...
Stefan attempts to counter Geralt's attack with 3 dice...
(TN 6) 2, 7, 9, 9, 8  - Result: 4
(TN 6) 17, 2, 7  - Result: 2

Geralt rolls and gets 4 successes.
Stefan rolls and gets 2 successes.

Attack successes: 2
Strength: 5
Weapon Damage: 0
Toughness: 5
Armor: 2

Geralt hits Stefan with a total damage rating of 0... (Merely a scratch...)


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools


First engagement...

Geralt takes a swing at Stefan's arms/hands with 9 dice...
Stefan tries to bash aside Geralt's weapon with 8 dice, leaving it open for a counter attack...
(TN 6) 4, 3, 5, 6, 1, 3, 1, 9, 3  - Result: 2
(TN 6) 11, 7, 2, 3, 3, 15, 5, 2  - Result: 3

Geralt rolls and gets 2 successes.
Stefan rolls and gets 3 successes.

So, Stefan successfully blocks the attack and steals initiative, gaining 1 dice on his next attack!

Second engagement...

Stefan gains 1 dice from a successful Block Open move.

Stefan takes a swing at Geralt's arms/hands with 2 dice...
Geralt tries to block Stefan's attack, using 2 dice...
(TN 6) 7, 14  - Result: 2
(TN 6) 4, 9  - Result: 1

Stefan rolls and gets 2 successes.
Geralt rolls and gets 1 successes.

Attack successes: 1
Strength: 5
Weapon Damage: 0
Toughness: 5
Armor: 6

Stefan hits Geralt with a total damage rating of 0... (Merely a scratch...)


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools


First engagement...

Stefan takes a swing at Geralt's body (downward vertical) with 10 dice...
Geralt tries to block Stefan's attack, using 10 dice...
(TN 6) 1, 2, 7, 7, 4, 2, 6, 5, 17, 4  - Result: 4
(TN 6) 3, 8, 3, 7, 6, 5, 8, 6, 7, 7  - Result: 7

Stefan rolls and gets 4 successes.
Geralt rolls and gets 7 successes.

So, Geralt successfully blocks the attack and steals initiative!

Second engagement...

Both pools are at zero, so we'll end the round early.


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools


First engagement...

Geralt takes a swing at Stefan's body (downward vertical) with 10 dice...
Stefan tries to block Geralt's attack, using 10 dice...
(TN 6) 7, 4, 5, 8, 1, 8, 1, 2, 4, 5  - Result: 3
(TN 6) 8, 5, 6, 8, 1, 5, 9, 6, 8, 5  - Result: 6

Geralt rolls and gets 3 successes.
Stefan rolls and gets 6 successes.

So, Stefan successfully blocks the attack and steals initiative!

Second engagement...

Both pools are at zero, so we'll end the round early.


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools


First engagement...

Stefan takes a swing at Geralt's body (downward vertical) with 10 dice...
Geralt tries to block Stefan's attack, using 10 dice...
(TN 6) 1, 7, 8, 2, 2, 11, 5, 7, 7, 2  - Result: 5
(TN 6) 3, 28, 6, 7, 6, 8, 2, 5, 2, 3  - Result: 5

Stefan rolls and gets 5 successes.
Geralt rolls and gets 5 successes.

Geralt just barely avoids the attack from Stefan, who keeps initiative.

Second engagement...

Both pools are at zero, so we'll end the round early.


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools


First engagement...

Stefan takes a swing at Geralt's body (downward vertical) with 10 dice...
Geralt tries to block Stefan's attack, using 10 dice...
(TN 6) 6, 6, 7, 5, 8, 9, 7, 7, 16, 5  - Result: 8
(TN 6) 4, 3, 4, 7, 2, 2, 1, 2, 7, 3  - Result: 2

Stefan rolls and gets 8 successes.
Geralt rolls and gets 2 successes.

Attack successes: 6
Strength: 5
Weapon Damage: 0
Toughness: 5
Armor: 0

Stefan hits Geralt with a total damage rating of 5... (Destruction of cerebellum. Really messy)

Geralt goes down, and Stefan is victorious!
I care not.


Jaeger thank you very much for your simulator screen shot.
I can see fight ended because 1 of fighter have bad luck (2 success with 10 dice ! ) and he have no armor on head .
If you have full chain , a helm and a shield for good block ( low DTN ) and average toughness it can be very long to end the fight because 2 success with shield block is very rare , and you have 9 passive armor minimum (4 armor + 5 toughness ).
Yes if you have some big weapon you can hit but with 1 hand weapon it's very difficult.
Perhaps it's the TROS design : if same skill with same good defensive stuff  you got a long fight and need luck for win .
I have no problem with long fight , i just think it can be too long with 3 or 4 players and some npc .
When i play pendragon  armor and shield block a lot of damage but you are never stuck like that .I fall in love with TROS tactic combat but knights dual will be not so fun if you need 12 rounds for first blood.
Too bad this TROS simulator is not working online for intense testing !


Some screen with hit who cant damage :
First engagement...

[size=7]Cut & Thrust Kid gains +2CP for his aggressive stance
Cut & Thrust Kid leaps forward and stops, trying to catch Geralt off guard...
(TN 5) 8, 11, 12, 9, 8  - Result: 5
(TN 10) 6, 2, 3, 6, 1  - Result: 0

Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 5 successes.
Geralt rolls and gets 0 successes.

Cut & Thrust Kid leaps forward, startling Geralt who falls back, expecting an attack. Geralt loses 5 dice from his CP at the start of the next exchange.

Second engagement...

Geralt loses 5 dice from Cut & Thrust Kid's Stop Short move...

Cut & Thrust Kid takes a swing at Geralt's body (downward vertical) with 9 dice...
Geralt tries to block Cut & Thrust Kid's attack, using 3 dice...
(TN 7) 9, 7, 1, 9, 4, 3, 6, 3, 8  - Result: 4
(TN 5) 7, 18, 17  - Result: 3

Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 4 successes.
Geralt rolls and gets 3 successes.

Attack successes: 1
Strength: 5
Weapon Damage: 1
Toughness: 5
Armor: 4

Cut & Thrust Kid hits Geralt with a total damage rating of 0... (Merely a scratch...)

(Hand Axe adds extra shock...)


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools


First engagement...

Cut & Thrust Kid takes a swing at Geralt's arms/hands with 4 dice...
Geralt tries to block Cut & Thrust Kid's attack, using 2 dice...
Cut & Thrust Kid's attack was a feint, and he instead cuts at Geralt's lower legs with 7 dice...
(TN 7) 3, 3, 4, 7, 7, 19, 8  - Result: 4
(TN 5) 2, 8  - Result: 1

Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 4 successes.
Geralt rolls and gets 1 successes.

Attack successes: 3
Strength: 5
Weapon Damage: 1
Toughness: 5
Armor: 4

Cut & Thrust Kid hits Geralt with a total damage rating of 0... (Merely a scratch...)

(Hand Axe adds extra shock...)

Second engagement...

Cut & Thrust Kid has no dice left, so initiative passes to Geralt
Second engagement...

Geralt takes a swing at Cut & Thrust Kid's lower legs with 7 dice...
Cut & Thrust Kid doesn't have enough dice left to defend with...
(TN 6) 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 2, 5  - Result: 2
(TN 5)  - Result: 0

Geralt rolls and gets 2 successes.
Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 0 successes.

Attack successes: 2
Strength: 5
Weapon Damage: 1
Toughness: 5
Armor: 4

Geralt hits Cut & Thrust Kid with a total damage rating of 0... (Merely a scratch...)

Please select Geralt's attack...
First round 9 dice against 3 dice with a stop and short and ...... no damage
second round 4 successes against 1 successes and ...... no damage
geralt attack for 7 dice and opponent have 0 damage!!!!

The 2 round i have a hit with tactic but armor and toughness give a final no damage.
So i need tactic or luck for a good hit ?


attack somewhere where there is no armour.  Somewhere like the hand or the face is good.
A good tactic for someone in full plate is to Hook and then bash the shit out of him while he tries to get up :)


I don't have the combat simulator so i can't comment on combat on it, but going on our fights in my game our combats don't last as long as that.  Most are over in 2 rounds with some of the drawn out ones based on opponents who outclass the PC's and then they have to use some sort dirty tricks or thats when SA's turn the tide of battle.

The main ways of winning a fight against an armoured opponent;
1) attack unarmoured locations
2) use manoevres that take advantage of his encumbered state (wear him out)
3) perform the unexpected... counters, feints, hooks. basically attack with something that will deny him some combat pool and then go fo an unarmoured location


ok i got it :

First engagement...

Cut & Thrust Kid gains +2CP for his aggressive stance
Cut & Thrust Kid takes a swing at Geralt's lower legs with 12 dice...
Geralt tries to block Cut & Thrust Kid's attack, using 5 dice...
(TN 7) 9, 29, 4, 5, 8, 22, 3, 2, 5, 1, 5, 2  - Result: 4
(TN 5) 2, 6, 9, 19, 5  - Result: 4

Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 4 successes.
Geralt rolls and gets 4 successes.

Geralt just barely avoids the attack from Cut & Thrust Kid, who keeps initiative.

Second engagement...

Cut & Thrust Kid has no dice left, so initiative passes to Geralt

Geralt thrusts at Cut & Thrust Kid's head with 1 dice...
Cut & Thrust Kid doesn't have enough dice left to defend with...
(TN 7) 2  - Result: 0
(TN 5)  - Result: 0

Geralt rolls and gets 0 successes.
Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 0 successes.

Cut & Thrust Kid just barely avoids the attack from Geralt, who keeps initiative.


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools


First engagement...

Geralt thrusts at Cut & Thrust Kid's head with 4 dice...
Cut & Thrust Kid tries to bash aside Geralt's weapon with 3 dice, leaving it open for a counter attack...
(TN 7) 7, 13, 4, 8  - Result: 3
(TN 5) 4, 2, 2  - Result: 0

Geralt rolls and gets 3 successes.
Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 0 successes.

Attack successes: 3
Strength: 5
Weapon Damage: 0
Toughness: 5
Armor: 0

Geralt hits Cut & Thrust Kid with a total damage rating of 3... (Part of face pierced, only just misses the brain)

Cut & Thrust Kid loses the rest of his combat pool due to shock!
(TN 7) 3, 5, 7, 2  - Result: 1
Cut & Thrust Kid is almost knocked unconscious by that blow, but struggles on.

Second engagement...

Geralt thrusts at Cut & Thrust Kid's head with 1 dice...
Cut & Thrust Kid doesn't have enough dice left to defend with...
(TN 7) 23  - Result: 1
(TN 5)  - Result: 0

Geralt rolls and gets 1 successes.
Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 0 successes.

Attack successes: 1
Strength: 5
Weapon Damage: 0
Toughness: 5
Armor: 0

Geralt hits Cut & Thrust Kid with a total damage rating of 1... (Grazed cheek or temple)

Cut & Thrust Kid loses the rest of his combat pool due to shock!
(TN 7) 9, 1, 8, 4, 2, 8, 1, 4, 2  - Result: 3
Cut & Thrust Kid is almost knocked unconscious by that blow, but struggles on.


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools

Cut & Thrust Kid loses 4 dice from pain.
(TN 9) 9, 14, 8, 1, 3  - Result: 2
Cut & Thrust Kid is bleeding, but does not lose Health this round.


First engagement...

Geralt thrusts at Cut & Thrust Kid's head with 4 dice...
Cut & Thrust Kid tries to block Geralt's attack, using 5 dice...
(TN 7) 7, 8, 4, 2  - Result: 2
(TN 5) 2, 7, 7, 2, 19  - Result: 3

Geralt rolls and gets 2 successes.
Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 3 successes.

So, Cut & Thrust Kid successfully blocks the attack and steals initiative!

Second engagement...

Cut & Thrust Kid has no dice left, so initiative passes to Geralt

Geralt thrusts at Cut & Thrust Kid's head with 1 dice...
Cut & Thrust Kid doesn't have enough dice left to defend with...
(TN 7) 11  - Result: 1
(TN 5)  - Result: 0

Geralt rolls and gets 1 successes.
Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 0 successes.

Attack successes: 1
Strength: 5
Weapon Damage: 0
Toughness: 5
Armor: 0

Geralt hits Cut & Thrust Kid with a total damage rating of 1... (Grazed cheek or temple)

Cut & Thrust Kid loses the rest of his combat pool due to shock!
(TN 7) 5, 4, 3, 8, 5, 1, 6, 2, 16  - Result: 2
Cut & Thrust Kid is almost knocked unconscious by that blow, but struggles on.


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools

Cut & Thrust Kid loses 4 dice from pain.
(TN 10) 4, 6, 7, 3, 9  - Result: 0
Cut & Thrust Kid is still bleeding, and loses a health point.


First engagement...

Geralt thrusts at Cut & Thrust Kid's head with 6 dice...
Cut & Thrust Kid tries to do a full evade with 5 dice...
(TN 7) 18, 5, 4, 3, 8, 5  - Result: 2
(TN 4) 1, 6, 2, 16, 4  - Result: 3

Geralt rolls and gets 2 successes.
Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 3 successes.

Cut & Thrust Kid successfully leaps out of the away of Geralt's blade!

Second engagement...

Because of the full evasion, we'll get stances and initiative again.

Geralt opts for an Aggressive stance

Cut & Thrust Kid opts for a Defensive stance


Geralt rushes in to attack, while Cut & Thrust Kid tries to hold him off...


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools

Geralt is getting fatigued and loses 1CP

Cut & Thrust Kid is getting fatigued and loses 1CP

Cut & Thrust Kid loses 4 dice from pain.
(TN 10) 6, 7, 3, 9, 7  - Result: 0
Cut & Thrust Kid is still bleeding, and loses a health point.


First engagement...

Geralt gains +2CP for his aggressive stance
Geralt thrusts at Cut & Thrust Kid's head with 7 dice...

Cut & Thrust Kid gains +2CP for his defensive stance
Cut & Thrust Kid tries to block Geralt's attack, using 5 dice...
(TN 7) 8, 6, 9, 2, 3, 3, 2  - Result: 2
(TN 5) 5, 1, 3, 5, 7  - Result: 3

Geralt rolls and gets 2 successes.
Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 3 successes.

So, Cut & Thrust Kid successfully blocks the attack and steals initiative!

Second engagement...

Cut & Thrust Kid chooses not to make an attack, and passes initiative to Geralt

Neither party makes an attack this exchange...

A delay in the action means we get initiative again...

Geralt rushes in to attack, while Cut & Thrust Kid tries to hold him off...


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools

Cut & Thrust Kid loses 4 dice from pain.
(TN 10) 9, 3, 2, 5, 1  - Result: 0
Cut & Thrust Kid is still bleeding, and loses a health point.
... and he's on his last legs (everything halved)


First engagement...

Geralt thrusts at Cut & Thrust Kid's head with 5 dice...
Cut & Thrust Kid tries to block Geralt's attack, using 2 dice...
(TN 7) 4, 14, 2, 6, 6  - Result: 1
(TN 5) 6, 3  - Result: 1

Geralt rolls and gets 1 successes.
Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 1 successes.

Cut & Thrust Kid just barely avoids the attack from Geralt, who keeps initiative.

Second engagement...

Both pools are at zero, so we'll end the round early.


At the start of the round, we refresh both combat pools

Cut & Thrust Kid is getting fatigued and loses 1CP

Cut & Thrust Kid loses his entire combat pool due to pain.
(TN 10) 2, 6  - Result: 0
Cut & Thrust Kid is still bleeding, and loses a health point.
... and he finally succumbs, slipping into merciful unconsciousness as the last of his blood drains away...


Combat over!

That works , not really tactic : thrust on your face , thrust on your face etc... but that works .


swinging at the arms is another good tactic.  As you can disable the opponent without killing him.

Brian Leybourne

Hey Lodku, welcome to the forum.

Others have already made plenty of suggestions, I wont bother repeating them, except to note a couple of points:

1) Try turning on the fatigue optional rule and the attack location modifiers optional rule in the Combat Sim Options Screen. Fatigue makes a big difference in heavy armor, especially when there's a variance in the endurance scores of the two opponents, and the modifiers can change things a lot as well.

2) When facing someone who is using a shield, don't attack where the shield covers. Swings at the lower legsare great, for example - you miss the shield AV, you get an extra die, and he's likely to be less armored there too!

3) You're playing both sides with equal knowledge of what the other will do, which is always going to string things out. Try using maneuvers like feinting, attacking while your opponent expects you to defend (and maybe stealing initiative), using some of the more advanced maneuvers, etc.

There's no reason why a fight has to be so drawn out, or why you have to do cheesy things like always thrusting at the head etc to get through one. Once you get a little more familiar with the combat system, you'll see what we mean :-)

Oh, one other thing, the combat sim is great (I have to say that, of course) but it's limited and doesn't simulate what real people and a GM can do - try some example combats with a friend and you'll see what I mean, things can get quite exciting very quickly.

Have fun!

Brian Leybourne

RPG Books: Of Beasts and Men, The Flower of Battle, The TROS Companion


Two more things, just to illustrate how the entire situation is somewhat silly:

In my games, it just does not happen that two characters with equal skill fight on fair ground and with gentlemanly style. No way. One of them should have brought a crossbow and shot the other from 20 feet, or run the other through with a mounted charge, or whatever. Nobody is going to fight it fair when facing an equally skilled opponent: the chances that you end up dead are about 50-50! Try giving one fighter 5 more CP dice to simulate the Spiritual Attributes he has firing, then it's more like what happens in actual play.

Then. Lokdu, you said it yourself, and Valamir kept repeating it, and it's really apparent from the sim logs. In this game (and probably in real life too) it is really difficult to injure a man through mail with a one-handed sword. It has damage something like STR+1, meaning that to do a level 1 wound, you'd need about 4 margin of success against mail. Try a half-sworded estoc (STR+5), or poleaxe (dunno how effective, but effective), or mace. Or otherwise you really have to find those unarmored areas, like the face.

Hope this helps.


Swing at the hands!  You get an extra die, and they're almost never really armored!

Remember, what you need is an advantage to press home.  Once Cut&Thrust has an advantage, start hacking at the least-armored parts, not the most.  Unless you are very strong and have a good weapon, you're not going to get through the armor.  What you want is for the other guy to be bleeding and in shock.  Eventually, with serious whacking, he's going to go unconscious from blood-loss, if nothing else.

Note that this can be very funny with the combat simulator.  In a little test-battle with a super-samurai against poor old Geralt, I managed to take off 7 of his arms at the shoulder and 4 of his legs at the knee.  I think maybe I was just putting him out of his misery, eh?

But seriously, as Ralph says, stop plunking away at the most armored part of the body.  You have an advantage going for the wrists, for example (area VII, I think).  Do it.  Take every advantage you've got.  Once you have a huge advantage later on, you can cut his head open, but in the meantime make him bleed.

Chris Lehrich
Chris Lehrich


"stop plunking away at the most armored part of the body"
I am ok with you , after a lot of training with simulator when a part of the body is underarmored i can now make far better fight  than my first one .But...
 If i  fight with somebody who have full chain (yes full : chest , arms , legs etc..) and pot helm so look like there is no unarmored part of the body except face with thrust head shot.

"Swing at the hands! You get an extra dieWith simulator " ok but you cant say right arm or left arm in TRos simulator so i hit the shield passive armor with all my hands/arms hit .

On my last fight i  got 2 hits at lower legs , and have extra die :

First hit at lower legs:

Cut & Thrust Kid's attack was a feint, and he instead cuts at Geralt's lower legs with 7 dice...
(TN 7) 3, 3, 4, 7, 7, 19, 8 - Result: 4
(TN 5) 2, 8 - Result: 1

Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 4 successes.
Geralt rolls and gets 1 successes.

Attack successes: 3
Strength: 5
Weapon Damage: 1
Toughness: 5
Armor: 4

Cut & Thrust Kid hits Geralt with a total damage rating of 0... (Merely a scratch...)

Second hit at lower legs :

Geralt takes a swing at Cut & Thrust Kid's lower legs with 7 dice...
Cut & Thrust Kid doesn't have enough dice left to defend with...
(TN 6) 6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 2, 5 - Result: 2
(TN 5) - Result: 0

Geralt rolls and gets 2 successes.
Cut & Thrust Kid rolls and gets 0 successes.

Attack successes: 2
Strength: 5
Weapon Damage: 1
Toughness: 5
Armor: 4

Geralt hits Cut & Thrust Kid with a total damage rating of 0...

There is 1 thing i didn't try : drop my shield on the floor and try to grapple .I will try as soon i will have some time for it .

I'am very interested by other people fight and will be very happy to see combat screen shot with 2 knights with same skill , 1h sword , full mail , pot helm and large shield .
I'am gonna make a new post so everybody can show his tactic with this kind of fight.