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a bit of a newbie

Started by seraphimy2k, March 10, 2004, 04:50:14 PM

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hi everyone

forgive me if im posting in the wrong forum, but this is my first post :)

My question is as follows : i live in the uk, and have a draft version of a game that is currently being playtested, and im racking my brains fro publishing advice and resources. I believe the game would do well, its had a good response so far and id really love to take it further, but am at a complete loss as to advice/info for a starting point. Im an artist by trade, so copyright is all sorted but now im well and truly stuck. Any help for a newbie to the game? (scuse the pun)


Matt Wilson

Hey Seraphim:

Welcome to the Forge!

If your search fu is better than mine, do a search of this forum in particular. There's been threads covering print vs. pdf, what to charge, what kind of art to have, where to sell it, how to sell it, layout, and so on.

That should get you started, and if you have any specific questions, fire off a post on that.

edit: Jack and I apparently crawled over each other to help you. Hope that gives you a good impression. :)

Jack Aidley

Hi Seraphim,

Welcome to the forge!

Seems to me that there's two questions you need to come up with answers for:

How do you want to publish? .pdf? Print? Html? Something else?
How much are you willing to spend to get it off the ground?

Oh, and I guess a third and fourth question:

Why do you want to publish?
And are you planing to sell it, or give it away?

Hope you find the forge valuable.

- Jack Aidley, Great Ork Gods, Iron Game Chef (Fantasy): Chanter

Ron Edwards

Search-fu suggestion!

Using the search engine here at the Forge, use these terms:

1. Put nothing in the keywords box

2. For authorname, put "Space Cowboy"

3. For forum, choose Publishing

This will reveal some fundamental discussions with plenty of links to earlier discussions, and I think that'll be a good start for you.



thanx for the advice, duly noted lol :)

in answer to your questions Jack :
Atm i think print ie bookstore or game store type of print, pdf ive not really considered yet.
the type of thing i want to publish is a rulebook, its in its draft stage at the min so im going thru revisions etc and its by no means finished yet.
Ideally im looking for a sale. Id love to be able to give it away, but im kinda doing this in part because i enjoy gaming, and also ive been ill for the past 11 years and id like to provide some kind of security for my family - this is an area i know and love, and to be able to create something like this succesfully would be great.
i hope that answers your questions lol :) thanks for helping with mine!
ill have a trawl thru the site and see what i can find.

cheers for now


Just to give you an idea of what kind of start up money will be needed for a print publishing company (this is the price you would expect to pay for quality work, if you want to go vanity press it can be done much cheaper but, IMHO, you would not be able to make enough to support a family from the project.)

2,000-5,000.00 for initial print run.
200.00-1000.00 for cover art.
100.00+ for interior art work.
239.95 for a block of 10 isbn numbers (in USA)

That is just bare minimum because your sill going to have marketing expenses to cover and business licenses.

You can see now why its suggested to go PDF because you can cut a large chunk of start up out of the picture.

You should be able to find all the information you need by searching the forum and you will find this forum to be an invaluable resource if you decide to further continue your endeavors. Welcome to the forge.