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Open call for fiction

Started by ZenDog, April 05, 2004, 05:43:29 AM

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Tales from the Ale House is a quarterly Ezine specialising in fantasy fiction. The particular sub-genres of fantasy we are looking for are High, Low/Historical, Epic and Heroic, or Sword & Sorcery. We are not interested in speculative fiction generally, so no Horror, Sci-fi or magic realism please.

General Guidelines

The subject line of your email should contain the following information, that this is a submission, the section you wish to submit work to, the title of your work, and finally your name.

Your subject line should look something like this...

Submissions: Fiction: Yourstorytitle: Yourname

We will accept simultaneous and multiple submissions; however, please send each individual submission as a separate email. We will accept previously published work as long as you retain the rights.


Send all writing submissions and any inquiries to

Please send all submissions as Rich Text Format (RTF) attachments or in the body of your email. We will not open or accept word or .Doc files.  

Short Stories

We are looking for short stories with a word count of 1,000 – 5,000 words. As stated above we are looking for the more traditional types of Heroic and Sword and Sorcery, action fantasy. But this doesn't mean we don't expect great characterisation, and interesting or challenging themes.

Flash Fiction

We are interested in flash fiction between 100 – 1,000 words.  Although we are willing to be looser with our definitions of fantasy for the flash fiction, we still expect it to be a story, however short. So no poetry submissions please.


At this stage, our non-fiction policy is experimental; we will consider any non-fiction relating to the fantasy genre - interviews with authors, guides to writing fantasy fiction, reviews of books, ebooks, fantasy movies, articles and RPG related non-fiction. We are also looking for regular non-fiction contributions, so if you fancy yourself a columnist, pitch us your ideas.


Send all art submissions and inquiries to

Any fantasy artwork will be considered.  Please send your submissions as .jpg or .psd attachments, with a resolution no higher than 300 dpi.  Please do not send .tif files.  Also, please ensure that your file does not exceed 1 mb in size.


As we are a free ezine, we unfortunately cannot pay for submissions.  We will, however, post links to contributors' personal/favourite website(s) and a plug/advertisement for any contributors' project/product.  Additionally, you will have the option of including a link on our site that will allow readers/viewers to send a voluntary contribution to your PayPal account.

Despite the non-paying standard, we, like similar non-paying literary ezines, will be striving to publish only the very best work within in the genre. So, even though it is a non-paying publication, it will at least be a publication worth putting in your CV.