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Son of Iron Game Chef!

Started by Mike Holmes, April 12, 2004, 08:29:35 PM

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Christopher Weeks

Quote from: Jonathan WaltonIf all of the participants can get their games up somewhere in the next week

My humble dish lives at



Quote from: Jonathan WaltonIf all of the participants can get their games up somewhere in the next week
My amateurish PDF is now up here.

(Someone please warn us if this thread is, um, drifting.)

Mike Holmes

OK, heading into the judging, the first step I had was to identify the entrants. Here are the games and their designers listed in alphabetical order:
    [*]At the Dawn - Raven
    [*]Broken Vows (The Dawn of the Final Judgement) - Dav
    [*]Chanter - Jack Aidley
    [*]Children of the North: Assault on the Frozen Isle of the Lich-Lord - Kirt "Loki" Dankemeyer
    [*]Dawn of the Day of the Monsters - Crackerjack
    [*]Dawnstorm - Alexander Cherry
    [*]Dawn-Winds - Piers Brown
    [*]Diamonds Are Forever - Redevider
    [*]Dilmun, the Islands of Dawn: Assault of the Black Ice - Jason Palenske
    [*]Four Walls and a Funeral: Roleplaying Behind Bars - Designer X (AKA Dav)
    [*]Frigid Bitch - Alexander Cherry
    [*]God Lore: The Chronicles of the Immortals - Asrogoth
    [*]Habakkuk - The Iceberg Ship - Dwayne
    [*]ICE - Christopher Weeks
    [*]Icebreaker RPGs - Jonathan Nichol
    [*]IceRunner: a dweomerpunk fantasy setting - John Laviolette
    [*]Island at the Dawn of Time - Alexander Cherry
    [*]ISOL - Darcy Burgess
    [*]Polaris - Ben Lehman
    [*]Seadog Tuxedo - Jonathan Walton
    [*]Snow Day! - or Fort Joey Must Fall! - Hans Christian Andersen
    [*]Snow From Korea - Shreyas Sampat
    [*]Terminator Line - Role-playing at 1700 kph - James Sterrett
    [*]Terra Australis - Zak Arneston
    [*]The Arabian Nights ON ICE FAMILY SPECTACULAR - Walt Freitag
    [*]The Battle of the Frozen Waste - the game of tolkienist battle- Eero Tuovinen
    [*]The Brotherhood - Eero Tuovinen
    [*]The Dance and the Dawn - Dev
    [*]The Dangerous Island of Much Treasure and Terror!- Dav
    [*]The Days and Nights of Onna Oa - Scott Knipe
    [*]The Fall of Atlantis and the Dawn of Human History - Eero Tuovinen
    [*]The MOUNTAIN WITCH - timfire
    [*]Trouble in the Island Kingdoms - Rich Forest
    [*]Whispers in the Door - A Snow From Korea variation - Shreyas Sampat
    [*]Wizards of Ice and Twilight v1.0 - Alan Barclay [/list:u]If you posted a game, and I somehow missed it, please let me know.

    Wasn't somebody just saying recently that we don't make games anymore on The Forge? :-)

    This is almost double the number of entries from the last contest: 36 on this outing, as opposed to 19 on the last. That's spectacular. It also means that I'm going to take a while to get this done likely.

    I'd also like to say that I think we'd all like to see some follow-up from the following list of people.
      [*]Badass - Vincent "Lumpley" Baker
      [*]Dawn of the Damned - Mark Johnson
      [*]DawnFire - Raven
      [*]Ice Dawn - Ethan Greer
      [*]Icelings - Marhault
      [*]Lak - Daniel Solis
      [*]Ragnarok - Matt Snyder
      [*]SPECOPS - John Harper (already under weigh?)[/list:u]And Tom's unnamed concept. Can't just post a tantallizing idea, and not finish it up!

      Now off to do the judging. Thanks to everyone who participated, and good luck to all of the Game Chefs!

      Member of Indie Netgaming
      -Get your indie game fix online.



      As much as I'd love to take credit for the Four Walls and a Funeral game, it wasn't me.  I guess I just assumed it was Greg, as that was what he published VIOLENCE under a ways back.  

      Sorry man, but it ain't me.


      Zak Arntson

      My last name is Arntson, not Arneston. Just in case you go looking me up in the search function or something.

      And holy cow. So many games! Pats on the back all around for the turnout.

      Mike Holmes

      Quote from: DavMike;

      As much as I'd love to take credit for the Four Walls and a Funeral game, it wasn't me.  I guess I just assumed it was Greg, as that was what he published VIOLENCE under a ways back.  

      Sorry man, but it ain't me.


      Ah, right, Violence, not Violence Future. Well, Designer X he'll remain until he reveals himself. I shouldn't even have speculated. :-)

      Sorry for the spelling gaff, Zak. Those my only mistakes? That would be cool. :-)

      Member of Indie Netgaming
      -Get your indie game fix online.


      Don't know if it's appropriate here and now, but Mike asked for followup, sooo....

      Ice Dawn was/is going to be a game about this snippet of concept I managed to squeeze out of myself in the allotted time of the contest:

      QuoteThe land has been under an evil spell of everlasting winter night for decades.  A band of heroes has finally risen to overthrow the evil overlord and dispell his evil enchantments.  Tomorrow morning, the sun will rise for the first time in a long time, and the thaw will begin.

      I had two ideas of what to do with this concept:

      1. You and your friends are lowly peasants.  Tomorrow, you're told, the sun will rise.  The village elders seem to think this is a good thing, but the elders talk a lot.  Never having seen the sun, you really don't know what to expect. All you know is, life is going to change in a big way.  What are you going to do about it?

      2. You are an evil creature of the night. Maybe a vampire or something. The sun is lethal to you, and the cold winter doesn't bother you at all. Naturally, you've had a pretty good time of it during the long winter night. And you're not willing to let it go. You've taken it upon yourself to reinstate the enchantment that kept the land in perpetual winter darkness. You've got one night to accomplish the goal. Go!

      That's all I got.  I thought they were both kinda cool, but, as I said, the muse is fickle... Maybe someday.


      Quote from: Mike HolmesThose my only mistakes?


      a minor one: it's Redivider with two i's ... palindrome style

      thanks for running the contest


      Quote from: Mike HolmesThose my only mistakes?


      Just that while my entry is an icebreaker RPG, the actual title is: Fantasy Icebreaker #1: The Dragon's Lair.

      Thanks for doing all this!
      --- Jonathan N.
      Currently playtesting Frankenstein's Monsters

      Walt Freitag

      Hi Mike,

      The list appears to check out against the index I compliled this morning, which gives me some conflidence that there are no major omissions. (There's the link, as requested.)

      It's traditional, when alphabetizing titles, to ignore any initial "The." How's that for a quibble?

      - Walt
      Wandering in the diasporosphere

      Mike Holmes

      Quote from: Walt Freitagt's traditional, when alphabetizing titles, to ignore any initial "The." How's that for a quibble?
      I pondered doing the whole ", The" thing, but when I worked the list up that way, it just looked very odd. Especially with the author names following. And what do you do with subtitles then? It was just a lot easier to do it with the the's up front. Given that it's not that long a list, I figured that it wouldn't make referencing too hard.

      Member of Indie Netgaming
      -Get your indie game fix online.

      Daniel Solis

      With regards to Lak, I planned on it being a very simple little game concept, so it shouldn't be too much trouble to finish it off sometime when things aren't so busy IRL. I feel rather flaky for introducing the game and not being able to follow through with it, but it's now definitely on my to-develop list right behind Gears & Spears and Azure Dusk.
      ¡El Luchacabra Vive!
      Meatbot Massacre
      Giant robot combat. No carbs.

      Ron Edwards

      With Mike's permission, I think it's time to close this thread and let all followup reflection and development take place in daughter threads, in whatever forum is most appropriate.


      Mike Holmes

      Yes, quite Ron. I may post a link here to the review thread, but otherwise it's closed.

      When I said follow-up, BTW, what I meant was that each should be developed on it's own - deserving their own threads if the designer chose to to do so.

      Member of Indie Netgaming
      -Get your indie game fix online.


      Mike, my handle is "Palaskar", and my real name is Michael Mendoza.

      How the heck you got Jason Palenske is beyond me. :)