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Highlander TRoS

Started by Emiricol, April 18, 2004, 01:22:28 AM

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Going through every scrap of information I can get my hands on regarding TRoS until my book arrives (however long shipping is from when it gets mailed off, Monday according to the Web site).  One thing that kept coming up was just how cool TRoS would be for Highlander.

So I did a quick search and found an old thread that details some ideas for Highlander TRoS, but that was from a couple years ago.  The game has been played a lot longer now than it had been then!

Has anyone played a campaign of Highlander using TRoS since then?  How did you do it, mechanically, and how did it work out?




i can't see why not a campaign of the type would be great!

seems that the combat system in TRoS will give a nice feeling to those swordbattles.
Kind regards....

-Brian Bergh
TRoS .pdf files:


I have, and still do occasionally.  It makes for interesting, long campaigns through several time periods.
   Most of it is special effects, without much need for new mechanics.  When immortals sense each other, sometimes I'll have them do a Per roll as a 6th sense, but it's usually automatic.
   When they kill another immortal, I have them absorb up to their own WP in the other guy's SA's.  These they can keep as SA's or immediately spend on skills or proficiencies, usually related to those of the deceased.
   Of course they're sterile and immune to disease and infection.  If you're playing around the time of the gathering I hve them make weekly WP rolls at increasing difficulty to resist.
   If injured or "killed", they revive when fully healed, healing one wound level every BL-HT minutes or so for the current wound level, but usually it's just "you wake up a little while later" or something.
   In character creation, sometimes I'll have them make characters normally, only to find out they're immortal when they "die".  If beginning as immortals, I might make them take the gifted human priority.
   Character philosophies and SA's can be interesting.  "There can be only one" "don't lose your head" or destiny "win the prize" etc.


Anyway i think the SA concept seems great for the Highlandercampaign, but i think that they REALLY should get more powerfull when they kill another imortal.

but i can't remeber the movies, so maybe there are something i forgot.

anyway THE KURGAN rocks!
Kind regards....

-Brian Bergh
TRoS .pdf files:

Bob McNamee

If they also gain the SA categories from their opponent it (perhaps allowing a temporary number of SAs or higher than 5 numbers?) they could burn off the SA types gained from the opponent to boost the abilities as normal.

Killing just gives them expendable SA categories, making it easier to up attributes etc...don't have to give up what you believe in.

Alternately, getting those extra SA categories also allows you to play up the whole 'tainted by their evil' concept from some of the shows.
Bob McNamee
Indie-netgaming- Out of the ordinary on-line gaming!


I like the idea of the anti-conscience that was suggested on the older thread, for the Dark Quickening.  Take in too much darkness without, y'know, enough Black Conscience, and wham, you're evil.  Alternatively, just treat it as GM's fiat.

As for the rest of the stuff - immortals always know when an another immortal is near, but that Per test could help them, perhaps, know (a) how many, (b) direction, or (c) extend range.  Just a thought.  Normally, from what I remember in the show, immortals figured out who other immortals were by feeling that sense, and then looking to see who else was looking around stupidly.
Alexander Cherry, Twisted Confessions Game Design
Maker of many fine story-games!
Moderator of Indie Netgaming

Brian Leybourne

Why not just have a special SA: The Quickening.

This SA can never be decreased manually, and it also has no upper limit. The only way to increase it is by killing another immortal, at which time you gain 1 point if he had the same or lower Quickening as you, or 2 points if he was higher.

Quickening dice can be added to CP in all battles against other immortals, and also used as bonus dice whener it makes sense that the immortal is using his quickening (Per rolls to detect other immortals, Move rolls when "feeling the stag", and so on).

That's completely off the top of my head of course. The biggest problem I can see with a highlander campaign is that it doesn't lend itself to group play unless you're playing watchers or only one PC is an immortal.

Brian Leybourne

RPG Books: Of Beasts and Men, The Flower of Battle, The TROS Companion


Or you can play a group of imortals but keep throwing other immortals at them so they don't kill each other :)
Sean Connery and Christopher Lambert got on fine (until Connery died of course)