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Gamefest Milwaukee and Gamefest Richmond

Started by Tigger, April 22, 2004, 10:16:49 PM

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Allow me to do a bit of a flip-flop.

I have a vested interest in a Richmond con having a broader range of stuff than RPGA Living campaigns; it's one of few cons within easy driving distance of where I am (Maryland, just under Delaware).

So. Despite my initial suspicion of the idea, I figure a mini-con would be a low-risk, low-cost way for Gamefest Richmond to expose its core contituents to new ways of gaming.
Dave Panchyk
Mandrake Games


Just wanted to encourage any interested companies to come exhibit at Gamefest Milwaukee.  The show is in three weeks now and has shaped up to be a great convention.  I hope many of you will find time to join us for the festivities.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Keep well.

Dan "Tigger" Brace
Regional Coordinator
(585) 256-0428


I have a question after having looked at the exhibitor material. The only hitch I see is the bit about needing liability insurance. What kind is needed? From where does one get this? Does one need to be a "real," licensed business to get this for an exhibitor booth?

Dave Panchyk
Mandrake Games



First, please accept my apologies about the delay in my response; I for some reason didn't get or missed the notification that you posted to my message and as the convention draws closer I find I have less and less time to check my daily web forums and news pages.  I do apologize.

To answer your question, that statement is aimed at notifying the exhibitor that we do not offer insurance to cover them and that it is their responsibility to obtain coverage on their own.  If you would care to call me I can get some details from you a see if I can offer further assistance with finding an agent.

Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.

Dan "Tigger" Brace
Regional Coordinator
(585) 256-0428


I got a question about provided swag for Gamefest. I did not see anywhere on the website about whom I would talk to about providing any swag. I would like to offer up copies of The Swing.

I haven't made up my mind about coming as an exhibitor or not, but if I do not, at least my products can be there.
Keith Taylor
93 Games Studio

As Real As It Gets


Swag can be shipped to:

Advantage Convention Services
308 S. Main St.
Antwerp, OH 45813

We will be leaving for the convention Wednesday morning.

Thanks for the support,
