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New 24-Hour Games

Started by philreed, June 30, 2004, 01:57:00 AM

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Quote from: LxndrHow extreme and fixated is this "no previous ideas" thing?  I mean, if I've done a game using dice pools before, does that mean no dice pools?  If I've done a game using a roll-under-TN system, does that mean no TN-under-rolling?  does this apply to games we've seen?  What if I realize halfway through that, wait, I once briefly flirted with the idea of basing a game on fhqhwgads, but forgot about it until just now... does that invalidate my work?

I can't seem to find much in the other thread addressing this question.

You're worrying too much. Just use your gut instinct. When I put together vs. Monsters I used a card system even though I'd tried putting together a card system before.

The most important thing is to exercise your creativity. The rules are more guidelines than anything and the entire exercise is a personal one. You do what you have to in order to feel comfortable with your creation.

Brett M. Bernstein

24 pages is a lot of content! You really need to buckle down and work straight through.

You could always use a 24 point font :)

Are there links for the other attempts from last year? I've only seen Vs. Monsters and Pace. I'm curious about the others.
Politically Incorrect Games
Publisher of Active Exploits Diceless Roleplaying, Iron Gauntlets, Rune Stryders, Two-Fisted Tales, genreDiversion, et al.

Drew Stevens

Sounds interesting.

I think I'll kill myself and give this a shot. :)

Andy Kitkowski

I'm in, for real.  As long as it's ANY weekend in July other than 24-25th. I've got to run a con that weekend.

The Story Games Community - It's like RPGNet for small press games and new play styles.


Does the contest work well as "choose a 24 hour period in this fortnight", which would leave a great deal more flexibility for people to join in?

Brett M. Bernstein

I take it there's no theme we need to stick to - do whatever you want?
Politically Incorrect Games
Publisher of Active Exploits Diceless Roleplaying, Iron Gauntlets, Rune Stryders, Two-Fisted Tales, genreDiversion, et al.

Tony Irwin

Sounds really exciting for the participants - but I thought that when this was started the objective was to finish a game in 24 hours? Particularly those games that have been kicking around half finished in your paper file or hard drive somewhere. That seemed like a fun challenge but also something that's extremely worthwhile. When did the emphasis change? (or am I thinking of another game-design endeavour people did?)

Big Simon

I've tried similar things a couple times, but never did finish (usually because other things in my life needed my attention).  Having a pre-defined date to do this would work, though.  I might just join you.

Current projects: Exile, Hero Academy
-~•~- -~•~- -~•~-
Opiates are the religion of the masses. - Mr. Wednesday


Quote from: Tony IrwinSounds really exciting for the participants - but I thought that when this was started the objective was to finish a game in 24 hours? Particularly those games that have been kicking around half finished in your paper file or hard drive somewhere. That seemed like a fun challenge but also something that's extremely worthwhile. When did the emphasis change? (or am I thinking of another game-design endeavour people did?)

See this thread from last year.


Quote from: Brett M. BernsteinAre there links for the other attempts from last year? I've only seen Vs. Monsters and Pace. I'm curious about the others.

Turns out the Yahoo! group still exists, and it has most of the games linked to in the Files section.

Jeffrey S. Schecter: Pagoda / Other

Brett M. Bernstein

Quote from: JephTurns out the Yahoo! group still exists, and it has most of the games linked to in the Files section.

Cool. Thanks.
Politically Incorrect Games
Publisher of Active Exploits Diceless Roleplaying, Iron Gauntlets, Rune Stryders, Two-Fisted Tales, genreDiversion, et al.

Drew Stevens

So.  Do we have a date set for this madness? :)


I think the way we ran it last time was we set aside a weekend: at some point in that time, you declared your start-time and your end-time was 24 hours after that.

So.. how about 9th, 10th, and 11th as '24-Hour Game Weekend'?
You see:
Michael V. Goins, wielding some vaguely annoyed skills.

Big Simon

That weekend wouldn't work for me, as it's the last weekend I have my kids for a month, and we have alot of family things planned.

The next weekend would be better... but that's just my vote.

Current projects: Exile, Hero Academy
-~•~- -~•~- -~•~-
Opiates are the religion of the masses. - Mr. Wednesday

Jonathan Walton

Quote from: philreedAs of now, I have some big projects through July 15 or so. I'm thinking the weekend of the 17-18 may be good.

This is what Phil suggested earlier, which, since it's a fair ways off, sounds better to me.  Better to reserve something in advance.  

However, it's always been the case with 24-hour games that people are welcome to start whenever they like, before or after the general date, as their schedules demand.  Just try to aim somewhere around there, so we can all enjoy the finished projects at around the same time.  Just my 2 cents.