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Dragonflight 2004, Seattle

Started by DannyK, August 10, 2004, 04:30:03 AM

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Any indie game action going on at this year's Dragonflight?  The con website is possibly the least helpful con website I've ever seen, but I've heard good things about last year's convention and I'm thinking of checking it out.


I've seen worse...

What you want is the pre-convention  brochure.

A group of four GMs under the auspices of the SGA (Seattle Gamers Assemble) is running about eight event, for such varying values of indie as Sorcerer, Conan d20, Active Exploits, Burning Wheel, and Donjon.  There are also a few more events that could be considered indie outside of the SGA track.  The Drones RPG springs to mind ;)

You should come on down.  A good time is always had at Dragonflight.


Drones?!? No way!  I just learned of this game's existence yesterday!  That's spooky.