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[GenCon 2004] Coordinating Arrivals (airplane)

Started by Ben Lehman, August 12, 2004, 12:08:57 AM

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Ben Lehman

So I'm arriving via airplane and would love to hook up with other people for rides to hotels / downtown / convention / Diana Jones awards, whether getting picked up by some lovely person or splitting cab fare.  I figured other plane travellers might like to do this as well.

My party of three will be arriving on Flight 2130 out of Charlotte at 6:28 PM on Wednesday.  If anyone will be arriving around this time, please contact me about ride-sharing.  If anyone will be on this flight -- hey, how about an in-flight Polaris game?


P.S. My party consists of a ranger, a fighter and a sorcerer.  A cleric or paladin would be much appreciated.[/stupid joke]

edited for title and to add a stupid joke.


I'm a cleric, but I won't be arriving until 07:11 Thursday morning.  (Yes, I'm taking the red-eye).

That said, I'd also like to talk about ride-sharing or ride-getting.  Please contact me.
Alexander Cherry, Twisted Confessions Game Design
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