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[Gnost] A god-like simple fantasy (early stages)

Started by Gaiaguerrilla, August 16, 2004, 06:59:07 AM

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Thanks, readers. Been too long since I've visited.
Enter GNOST I'm not attached to that title, either.

This game has at least 3 unique features I can think of (or hope to be proven wrong about) . . .

1) The 3 forms: Your character has 3 permanent forms and no others (necessarily). That is: A trinket, a mortal, and a colossus. (Eg: A coin, a tall man, and a big dragon. Or a quill, a quiet woman, and a huge storm).

2) The categories for elements: There will be no "Earth, fire, wind, water" but a little more twisted. "Beast, Storm, Shadow, Glimmer"

3) The system should be short and sweet. More mechanical than roleplaying. But at the same time it should have room to do really bizarre things (a hack-and-slash system that doesn't feel hack-and-slash?? I guess is what I'm saying??)


Here's a list of responces others might give me (just type the number, and I'll assume that responce) as well as anything else to add. But to save the chit-chat, you can ignore the rest of this post and just read the link given. Thanks, everyone.

1) "I would look into it more if you would make your website more presentable. I'm hoping in a few days you'll come back here when it looks like a clearer outline."

2) "It seems interesting, but way too vague in many places. Get more particular."

3) "You've added instructions for graphics. I suggest you make those graphics or find help in that before developing it further."

4) "I don't know how your system would work. You may have to omit a lot already."

5) "It has potential. But can you drag it to the end is the million dollar question!"

6) "I'm interested. So could we make any deal if I partner in on this?"

Jason Petrasko

My Response Number: 1

I liked the feel and the sound of it. It is similar to Nobilis no? If you have not looked at Nobilis, look now.

However, I was disappointed by the short presentation. Once I read:

"THIS GAME IS ABOUT the quest for redemption in continuous turmoil. The need for salvation is never certain. Yet a chance for riches holds steady."

I kept expecting to get answers to:

Redemption from what?
What kind of turmoil?
Salvation from what?
What kind of riches?

It seems to be the core of the game (see THIS GAME IS ABOUT) and several points are left open. I think the answers to these questions are more important than anything else said in the short overview :)

Just my 2 cents,



My response would be 1 and 2.

Im left kinda haning on what the conflict of the setting is.  It sounds like there is some since the ability to hide as an inanimate object is part of character creation. Also, like Jason said, what do I need redeeming from and why is there all this turmoil around me?

Hope that points ya in the right directions!


-Troy Costisick

charles ferguson

Gaiaguerrilla, I'm mystified.

I'm mystified as to what the game is about.
I'm mystified as the what the concept of the game is even about.
And most of all I'm mystified as to why you used red text on a black background (*shudder*).

BUT... even more than I'm mystified, I'm intrigued.

So my response is definitely 2).

And 1).

Looking forward to more.

BTW--paradoxically perhaps, I would be MORE intrigued if I was LESS mystified. Guess that makes RPG design the opposite of a date :)


The new website is here.

I just wrote a bunch in responce to people's questions, but it's not much improved. Please wait until later for a more decent presentation.


I'm sorry, I suffer from a rare illness known as must-have-red-on-black-background. I'll be looking to a perscription, (and try a blue on black version or such). Right now I want to get out all my obsessive writing and then try to make sense of it and play with html.

I hope it clears things up. Sorry if not. Thanks for the guidance so far.

Adam Dray

Adam Dray /
Verge -- cyberpunk role-playing on the brink
FoundryMUSH - indie chat and play at 7777