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Southern Exposure 2004

Started by Helvetian, August 28, 2004, 03:13:40 PM

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Hey there, all!

Double Exposure would love to have a strong indie presence at Southern Exposure 2004, September 30-October 3, at the Clarion Hotel in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. Our anticipated attendance is 700, and the convention website is As always, we offer company reps free membership and demo space, with permission to sell from the demo table. For all of our game company representatives, DE provides full access to our staff hospitality suite, from which we will be happy to feed you for free for the entire event.

Please feel free to email or PM me with any questions. I know that I'm late in posting, but I suspected everyone was a little busy with Gencon (and then recovering from GenCon) to think about other events. :)

Rebecca Badurina
Double Exposure, Inc.
Rebecca Badurina
Vice President, Programming
Double Exposure, Inc.