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Indie News?

Started by xiombarg, January 23, 2002, 07:14:18 PM

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Damn, I go away for a little while and the site gets a major overhaul. Looks great, tho.

Regardless, my point in starting this topic is I've become an editor at // I'm actually trying to post several news stories a day, update the various "X of the Week" pages, and so on.

Well, frankly, I don't have the energy to keep up with the sheer volume of //, tho I like to think our coverage is more colorful. I'd sort of like for // to become sort of the // of RPGs. And for that, I need more and better coverage of Indie RPGs. I'd like to see as much Indie RPG stuff at // as mainstream news.

For that I need eyeballs. There's a" target=_blank>form to submit news, and I check and approve news every weekday. Think y'all are up for keeping me appraised as to new "releases" and other news in the Indie RPG world?
love * Eris * RPGs  * Anime * Magick * Carroll * techno * hats * cats * Dada
Kirt "Loki" Dankmyer -- Dance, damn you, dance! -- UNSUNG IS OUT


Is there a way to submit news via e-mail? It's much easier for short-on-time indy publishers to drop 1 email to 15 sites than it is to visit a variety of sites and fill out the web forms.


Yes. Send an email to"> or">, and I will hook you up. It's slower than using the web form, but I will get to it.
love * Eris * RPGs  * Anime * Magick * Carroll * techno * hats * cats * Dada
Kirt "Loki" Dankmyer -- Dance, damn you, dance! -- UNSUNG IS OUT