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[Capes] Promoting at Dreamtion 2005

Started by TonyLB, January 16, 2005, 09:23:23 PM

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Okay, I've got my big print debut coming up at the Indie Games Explosion, in Dreamation 2005.  Naturally I'm as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.  I think (hope!) that most of this is inexperience.  While I can think up ideas like "You're going to need water... bring some bottled water", it's not the same as saying "Man, the last four cons I did were thirsty work, this time I'm bringing water!"  I hope that some more experienced hands can look over the list of things I'm planning to prepare, and lend me the aid of their experience in what I've missed, and what I'm doing that's just pointless overkill:
    [*]Printed books, ~100 count
    [*]Printed "Capes Lite" previews to give away free... how many?
    [*]Bottled water
    [*]Snack bars
    [*]Really comfortable shoes
    [*]As per the admonition in Robin Laws' Pitches and Misses column, I have my pitch:  "Even perfect heroes shouldn't win every battle.  Capes lets you choose your victories and your defeats, and use both to drive your story."
    [*]Change:  I'm selling the book for $15, so I'll be bringing a pile of 5 dollar bills.
    [*]Forms to track sales, as well as to take information from people who want follow-up contact
    [*]Sales-script for any helpful folks to try to sell the game for me
    [*]Candies to be distributed as part of game sessions, for enticement/sugar-rush[/list:u]What am I missing?
    Just published: Capes
    New Project:  Misery Bubblegum