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Books Sold with a Free PDF

Started by Tav_Behemoth, February 05, 2005, 01:44:03 AM

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This is the beginning of a list of games for which a free PDF is provided to buyers of the print edition:

A Swarm of Stirges (Masters and Minions Horde Book 1)
Dogs in the Vineyard
Maze of the Minotaur (Masters and Minions Horde Book 2)

I'll update the list as I learn of others - post any you know of!

(Thanks to Andrew Morris for letting me know of Capes & DitV - did I meet you at Dreamation?)
Masters and Minions: "Immediate, concrete, gameable" - Ken Hite.
Get yours from the creators or finer retail stores everywhere.

Michael S. Miller

Don't forget the Wicked Dead Games:

Enemy Gods
Run Robot Red
The Secret Life of Gingerbread Men

Not sure about Jared's Memento-mori stuff.
Serial Homicide Unit Hunt down a killer!
Incarnadine Press--The Redder, the Better!

Jared A. Sorensen

Yeah, I've been doing that for awhile.
jared a. sorensen /


Jared, could you throw down a list of Memento Mori games? I don't want to miss any, or get their orthography wrong - is that Squ3am, for example?
Masters and Minions: "Immediate, concrete, gameable" - Ken Hite.
Get yours from the creators or finer retail stores everywhere.

Jared A. Sorensen

Squ3am isn't a's just a crap PDF. :)

The PDF games that I've turned into physical books (and done the "buy one, get the other at some kind of deal" thing) are:

octaNe: premium uNleaded
Lacuna Part I. The Creation of the Mystery and the Girl from Blue City

I'm working on an "art book" version of the farm but that's not finished yet (and won't come with the PDF because it's special...and the PDF is like, $3).
jared a. sorensen /

Veritas Games

How are people tracking purchases of hard copy books?  Are the PDFs only for people who buy direct from the publishers?
Lee Valentine
Veritas Games


Behemoth3 gives the PDF of a book to the buyer of the print edition via a unique registration code printed inside the cover (using variable printing; a common practice in software manuals, for example). Customers can then go to to register their purchase using this code, which entitles them to download the PDF of their book as well as some extra PDF goodies like counters for the monsters in the book, etc.
Masters and Minions: "Immediate, concrete, gameable" - Ken Hite.
Get yours from the creators or finer retail stores everywhere.

Veritas Games

How do you keep someone from walking into the game store and just copying down the code and registering it?
Lee Valentine
Veritas Games


Could happen - but there are lots of ways to get a PDF dishonestly.
Masters and Minions: "Immediate, concrete, gameable" - Ken Hite.
Get yours from the creators or finer retail stores everywhere.


The Swing too.

Right now I am trying to clear out the inventory [3 copies left] at RPGMALL ( for only $3.99, with those I am throwing in the PDF bundle (the game and 3 supplements) for free. Normally it would be just the pdf version of the game.
Keith Taylor
93 Games Studio

As Real As It Gets


OK, here's the latest list (alphabetized) - at some point I'll put the publisher next to each game and maybe make it a link to the game's page, unless some enterprising soul beats me to it:

A Swarm of Stirges (Masters and Minions Horde Book 1)
Dogs in the Vineyard
Enemy Gods
Lacuna Part I. The Creation of the Mystery and the Girl from Blue City
Maze of the Minotaur (Masters and Minions Horde Book 2)
octaNe: premium uNleaded
Run Robot Red
The Secret Life of Gingerbread Men
The Swing

RPG Objects also has a similar program - see here - I've asked them to drop into the thread and add a list, since they have quite a few titles.
Masters and Minions: "Immediate, concrete, gameable" - Ken Hite.
Get yours from the creators or finer retail stores everywhere.


Hi All

Here's RPGObjects books that are in print that we offer an upgrade or rebate program for.

Darwin's World (2nd Edition) Hardcover
The Foundationists/Metal Gods Print Edition
The Lost City
Death by Corium Light
Against The Wastelords (W1)

Blood and Fists: Modern Martial Arts
Blood and Guts: Modern Military
Blood and Relics (2nd Edition)
Modern Backdrops

Legends of Excalibur: Arthurian Adventures HC

Blood and Space (1st Edition)

NPC Essentials

In the Future:

Legends of the Samurai HC



Here's the latest list, alphabetical by title:

A Swarm of Stirges, Behemoth3
Against The Wastelords (W1), RPG Objects
Blood and Fists: Modern Martial Arts, RPG Objects
Blood and Guts: Modern Military, RPG Objects
Blood and Relics (2nd Edition), RPG Objects
Blood and Space (1st Edition), RPG Objects
Capes, Muse of Fire Games
Cat, Wicked Dead Brewing Company
Darwin's World (2nd Edition) Hardcover, RPG Objects
Death by Corium Light, RPG Objects
Dogs in the Vineyard, lumpley games
Enemy Gods, Wicked Dead Brewing Company
InSpectres, Wicked Dead Brewing Company
Lacuna Part I. The Creation of the Mystery and the Girl from Blue City, Wicked Dead Brewing Company
Legends of Excalibur: Arthurian Adventures HC, RPG Objects
Legends of the Samurai HC, RPG Objects
Maze of the Minotaur (Masters and Minions Horde Book 2), Behemoth3
Modern Backdrops, RPG Objects
NPC Essentials , RPG Objects
octaNe: premium uNleaded, Wicked Dead Brewing Company
Run Robot Red, Wicked Dead Brewing Company
The Foundationists/Metal Gods Print Edition, RPG Objects
The Lost City, RPG Objects
The Secret Life of Gingerbread Men, Wicked Dead Brewing Company
The Swing , 93 Studio

That's pretty impressive!
Masters and Minions: "Immediate, concrete, gameable" - Ken Hite.
Get yours from the creators or finer retail stores everywhere.

Keith Senkowski

When you buy CoS thru Lulu you get the PDF for free and if anyone who bought the hard copy elsewhere wants the PDF they can email me for it since they are on two different setups.

Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition
Everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the artwork, to the layout just screams creepy, creepy, creepy at me. I love it.
~ Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel

Paul Czege

Hey Tav,

You're a futurist. I've seen your">article. So something implemented this year by the company I work for may be of interest. The company is a large reference publisher with a growing and profitable business in the selling of pdf titles. Until this year, the company offered a discount on the price of the pdf version of a title to someone purchasing the print version. Now, the company offers a discount on the purcase of the print version to someone purchasing the pdf.

A free pdf as a purchasing incentive may make sense from a manufacturing standpoint, in that it doesn't cost you anything to offer it. And maybe it closes the deal for some of the immediate gratification types and true fence-sitters. (Though a discount scheme would almost certainly have a bigger impact on your bottom line.) If you're sitting on the inventory of a traditional print run, and the debt from producing it, maybe every little purchase incentive counts. But if your book is small-run/print-on-demand, consider that by throwing in the pdf for free you're validating customer valuing of hard goods over content. Does that match how you personally value your products? (I like my objects as much as the next guy. And I created the print version of My Life with Master to be an object that very much appeals to my own subjective tastes. But my thinking is that a great deal of the industry's problems stem from sales strategies based on over appealing to the fetishist inclinations of customers, at the expense of content excellence. And since My Life with Master is print-on-demand, and I'm not sitting on any debt, I'm choosing to endorse the valuation of content.)

My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans