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The Eternal Twilight

Started by Dav, February 22, 2002, 11:31:23 AM

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Gordon C. Landis

How 'bout you take that Japanglish notion and just apply it to the "opposite" of Land of The Rising Sun?

"Sun Not Rising"?
"Sun Cannot Rise Forever"?
"Land of Sun that Rises-not"?

er, maybe not  . . .

Gordon (under construction)


You mean like

"Land of the Setting Sun"?



The notion of a futile death can still be meaningful, it would just b a rather not-uplifting ending to a story.  There is little wrong with this, so long as the actual progress from beginning to ending made an investment in such a death worthwhile to the overall experience.

Et al;

Rod Anderson granted me this nugget of wisdom for a title:

Samurai: Violence Future
(Specifically not Violent Future)

This seems to satisfy the sentiment of the intentionally bruised translation, as well as give an overall impression of the game.  I am thinking it may not be too bad.

All-in-all, I think I will hammer through the manuscript a bit more efore I settle into a more final decision.  However, I must admit, many of the suggestions are fun to read.  I feel like there should be a prize or something to the winner of the unusual title.


Gordon C. Landis

Quote from: Valamir
You mean like

"Land of the Setting Sun"?

Nah, no awkward Japanglish mis-translation to that.  Still - it may be a stupid idea.

Upon reading the Samurai: Violence Future . . . how 'bout "Sunless Samurai"?  "Souless Samurai"? "Un-Souled Samurai, at Sunset"? I've got a thing for alliteration . . . (under construction)

Jared A. Sorensen

Quote from: Dav
Rod Anderson granted me this nugget of wisdom for a title:

Samurai: Violence Future
(Specifically not Violent Future)

This seems to satisfy the sentiment of the intentionally bruised translation, as well as give an overall impression of the game.  I am thinking it may not be too bad.

Ooo...that's good. Although I'd drop the colon and go with:
Samurai Violence Future...or even drop the Samurai part as well?

The "Violence Future" part is awesome at any rate.
jared a. sorensen /


Violence Future rocks, and could be argued as a mistranslation easily. It is one [Ranbou (violent) corrupts on retranslation]

Futility rocks.

System us up!

my name is drew

"I wouldn't be satisfied with a roleplaying  session if I wasn't turned into a turkey or something" - A

Mike Holmes

Violence Future is very good. But some of the other stuff was very descriptive. Perhaps a tagline would be appropriate?

Violence Future

the Sunset of Samurai


a Samurai Sunset


Samurai at Dusk

or even more Japanese

a Samurai Tsunami
(Perhaps I'm focusing too much on alliteration)

Something like that, though. Not another THIS: the Colon, just something to put on the cover like Sorcerer's "An Intense RPG"

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Rod Anderson

For the record, my "THIS: the colon" title was meant to reflect the whole "things that were cool when you were 16" vibe. I won't weep if Dav doesn't go with it, though.

Rod Anderson


Rod, Jared, Mike, Gordon, Drew, Valamir, and anyone else I forgot;

Okay, I think that, as it stands, I am most enchanted with Rod's suggestion, putting twists as noted.  I think it will end up titled:

Violence Future
(Samurai of the Setting Sun)

No colon, the parentheses will not be in the final version.  Barring a great and powerful suggestion otherwise, the title is now locked.

Due credit will be given to everyone involved in the Great Title Debate of '02, and I will make certain that, come GenCon, if any and all of you are present, a copy finds its way to your hands.

In about one week, I will be posting an alpha version to a website for the people to pick apart and deconstruct.  I appreciate the collected wisdom.



Just a thought, would putting a "sic" help?
 ie.  Violence Future (sic)
  It would just be a reminder that the whole thing was intentional.

Paul Czege

would putting a "sic" help...a reminder that the whole thing was intentional.

I wouldn't do it. It's like a laugh track. The title is hilarious without it.
My Life with Master knows codependence.
And if you're doing anything with your Acts of Evil ashcan license, of course I'm curious and would love to hear about your plans


Darn, just as my contest entry idea arrives the judges close it! :)  I was gonna suggest "Sundown" or "Under The Sun" - partly to get the sun motif, partly becuase it can be switched with "Under The Gun", which I understand is a poker term, and a Sisters of Mercy track.
Impeach the bomber boys:

"He who loves practice without theory is like the sailor who boards ship without a rudder and compass and never knows where he may cast."
- Leonardo da Vinci