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Advertising Opportunity

Started by Zachary The First, May 17, 2005, 01:04:24 PM

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Zachary The First

Hello all,

Well, if you've visited my site, RPG Blog, recently, you can see that we've really taken off!  We're averaging right around 1000 hits/day, more on special events like our series of RPG interviews.

I'll make this short.  To raise money to expand operations even further (site upgrade, etc) I'm opening my site up for sponsors, who will recieve space for a button banner on the side of my blog.  There will only be 2-3 of these sponsor spots available, and I wanted to sound out Indie companies first because that's where my love (and I believe, the future) in games truly is.

One word of note, though:  I will not accept sponsorship from any company who I feel would not provide my readers with quality products.  On this board, I don't think that will be too much of a problem, but it's just my way of keeping my impartiality and principles intact.

PM me or email me at for rates and further information.  I promise my rate is quite low--where even smaller, just starting-out RPG companies can afford it.  We can also work something out for you, if need be.

Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon!


Zachary Houghton
Editor, RPG Blog


How about a link exchange under your free rpg section?

email me at keeton at if you're interested.

1KM1KT - Online Publishing for Free RPGs
one thousand monkeys, one thousand typewriters