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Canadian National Gaming Expo (August 26-28)

Started by epweissengruber, June 14, 2005, 02:16:24 AM

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The Toronto Role Player's Association posted the address of a big gaming con in Toronto.  There is interest among the players of Big Games like D&D or World of Darkness.  Any Torontonians interested in bringing a little Indie action to the table?


Well, I'm not a Torontonian, but it's a lot cheaper for me to get to Toronto than just about anywhere else.  It's *really really* close to Gencon, though.

Also, skimming through the info for exhibitors, it looks like most of the deadlines have already passed.  Not that surprising, given how soon it is.

Out of curiousity does anyone know if the folks organizing ColdCon are still intending to have it up and running?  It was originally called for late September, in Toronto, but I haven't heard a peep since it first came up...

Did this one trump it, I wonder?

I write games. My games don't have much in common with each other, except that I wrote them.


I'll be at the Gaming Expo, and I'll have a table (as I understand how things stand now) -- so if anyone wants to get together and run some indie games I'd be happy to help!
- Brand Robins


Brand, I'm in to run and sell some games from your table.  I'll have just returned from GenCon so hopefully I'll have a few new Forge games to show.  

What more can you tell me about your setup at the Con?  Will you have the table all day, every day?  What were you planning on doing or running there?  What would you need from me?  Would I require an exhibitor pass?  

Thanks a lot, I thought I was too late to get in on this Con, but your offer may make it possible after all.
Sweet Dreams - Romance, Espionage, and Horror in High School
The Big Night - children's game with puppets

In Progress:  Fingerprints
Playing:  PTA, Shock



I'll have to check into all of this. It's my first time as a guest at a con, so I'm not fully sure of all the rules.

The general setup is that I'm a guest of honor (weird, huh?) and I've been told that I will have a table that I can use to do signings and sell books, and I've been asked if I want to run any events or games. I belive that I can have other people join me at my table, but I'm not sure about that.

Speaking of which: I've also been asked if there are any pannels I'd like to be in/suggest/run. Would anybody be up for an Indy/FORGE type pannel?
- Brand Robins