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[GenCon 2005] Current lineup

Started by Ron Edwards, June 13, 2005, 02:49:35 AM

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Ron Edwards

Hi everybody,

Here is the current situation at the Forge booth, as of MY records. I am easily confused given all the stuff I have to keep juggling at all times, so I'm posting this to make sure about two things.

1. If you have paid me and do NOT see yourself on this list, do not freak out. Just remind me by email.

2. If you were planning to participate and figured, "Well, Ron will accept my money anyway whenever ..." then you are causing me immense hassles right this very minute. Some of you have got into a very bad habit of showing up at GenCon and expecting me to hand you a badge.

Yes, I know the deadline hasn't struck yet. But it is a deadline, not a "due date" - i.e., not a bill which you can send in late, not a paper you can turn in late. Do it before the deadline.

Don't ask me any more questions about what you have to pay or how much or is your badge included. All the guidelines are clearly laid out in the various [GenCon 2005] threads.

So without further ado ... as I currently understand it ...

Adept Press - Ron Edwards - Sorcerer, Elfs, Trollbabe
Burning Wheel - Luke Crane, Radek Drozdal - Burning Wheel
Half Meme Press - Paul Czege, Danielle Hall - My Life with master
BTRC - Greg Porter, John Kolb - EABA
Lumpley Games - Vincent Baker, Meguey Baker - kill puppies for satan, Dogs in the Vineyard

$100 + badge
Tony Lower-Basch (Muse of Fire, Capes)
Emily Care Boss (Breaking the Ice)
Allan Dotson (May Contain Monkeys)
Tim Kleinert (timfire games, The Mountain Witch) [still owes badge]
Joshua Newman (Under the Bed)
James Brown ($100 only, does not need badge)
Matt Wilson (Dog Eared Designs, Primetime Adventures)
Gordon R. Landis (Custom Built Games, SNAP)
Michael Miller (Incarnadine Entertainment, With Great Power)
Ben Lehman & Jasper (TAO Games, Polaris)
Nate Peterson (Neo Productions Unlimited, Final Twilight, The Imp Game, MMORPG)
Matt Gwinn (Errant Knight Games, Kayfabe)

$200 + badge
Keith Senkowski (Bob Goat Games, Conspiracy of Shadows)
Matt Snyder (Chimera Creative, Dust Devils, Nine Worlds)

Badge only
Andy Kitkowski, Julie Stauffer, Juergen Mayer, Dave Michalak, John Marron

Note: so far, no Ramshead Publishing, no Anvilwerks, and no Mike Holmes. Guys?

A couple other things - I'd really like both company and game names for everyone involved. Again, email me about that. And primary guys, you should know, I just covered the final payment for the rest of the booth cost, and you all should reimburse me for your shares in that pretty soon.

Aaannndddd .... I also want to say that the lineup of games looks absolutely awesome. It's varied, interesting, and includes new people as well as old.



Wow.  The line-up for this year's GenCon looks great!  I've noticed over the past couple of years there has been a number of retailers that show up at the booth wanting to know how they can get the games into their stores.  Other than pointing them to each individual game creator (who may or may not be present), we never had a good way to respond to these inqueries.  This year I would like to create a one page handout specifically targeted to retailers.  I'm not sure yet how I will structure the handout or what exactly I'll put on it.  If you are one of the GenCon buy-in's listed above, please send me a private message with the information you would want to supply to a retailer.  Oh, and this is all completely optional--if you don't want to be included, don't send me info.


Matt Gwinn

Of the 24 games that will be for sale, which ones are currently available?  I either own or am familiar with about a third of the games listed, but I'd like to familiarize myself with as many of the games as possible, so I don't sound like an idiot when trying to sell or demo a game.

I'd also like to know how much cash I'll need.

Just to start things off,

Kayfabe info is available at
PDF sells for $12
Print version sells fo $15

Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at


I know I'm bringing my own handouts for retailers - had the fortune to be next to a small distributor last year who took an interest in us, fledging and flailing though we were ^_^

Pertinant information:
Rates for MSRP, from Distributor, and direct from retailer (If offered)
Product specs, of course
Any distributors or fullfillment houses that carry the product
Any upcoming releases
Any retailer support

So, Final Twilight would have the following:
- $8 MSRP, ~$4.80 from Distributor, $4 Direct
- Product specs: Preconstructed game, 54 card decks + 6 sided die, 12 card expansion packs (list product #'s too)
- Carried by Alliance Distribution through Key20 Direct
- Upcoming releases: Entropy Starter Decks - The Disciples (October, 2005), Alyssa Jarus (December 2005) (54 card decks)
- Retailer Support: Free demo packets, tourny information, prize and promotional support

Make it look a little pretty, cool image or something that makes them go "Hey, that looks neat" and presto~ Fairly similar to a Sell Sheet, but a little more detail.
Nate Petersen / daMoose
Neo Productions Unlimited! Publisher of Final Twilight card game, Imp Game RPG, and more titles to come!

Ben Lehman

Quote from: Matt GwinnOf the 24 games that will be for sale, which ones are currently available?  I either own or am familiar with about a third of the games listed, but I'd like to familiarize myself with as many of the games as possible, so I don't sound like an idiot when trying to sell or demo a game.

Polaris is not yet available, and will probably be premiering too late for you to buy a copy before the Con (buy at the con!  Save yourself shipping!) but I would be happy to furnish PDF copies of the finished game (once it is... uh... finished...) to anyone willing to commit to learning the rules well enough to help with demos.


Keith Senkowski

Conspiracy of Shadows Revised will be available by the end of the month most likely (waiting for proof), though the mechanics be available on the website.  I may have a second game done and ready for GenCon, but I doubt it will be available prior.

Conspiracy of Shadows: Revised Edition
Everything about the game, from the mechanics, to the artwork, to the layout just screams creepy, creepy, creepy at me. I love it.
~ Paul Tevis, Have Games, Will Travel


Quote from: Ben Lehman[Polaris is not yet available, and will probably be premiering too late for you to buy a copy before the Con (buy at the con!  Save yourself shipping!) but I would be happy to furnish PDF copies of the finished game (once it is... uh... finished...) to anyone willing to commit to learning the rules well enough to help with demos.

Sweet Dreams is in a similar situation.  The new books will be ready uncomfortably close to the GenCon date.  Prices are probably going to be $20 US for the Players' Book, $12 US for the Guidebook, but I won't be sure until we print.  I'll likely also offer a package deal with both books plus the Guide Screen for around $30.  

The Big Night books are available now ($8 US), and should be up on Key 20 Direct by August.  I just shipped them books last week.  Still working on making the PDF available.

I'll get a short GM primer PDF of both games available for Forgites as soon as possible.
Sweet Dreams - Romance, Espionage, and Horror in High School
The Big Night - children's game with puppets

In Progress:  Fingerprints
Playing:  PTA, Shock

Zachary The First

Quote from: Allan
Quote from: Ben Lehman[Polaris is not yet available, and will probably be premiering too late for you to buy a copy before the Con (buy at the con!  Save yourself shipping!) but I would be happy to furnish PDF copies of the finished game (once it is... uh... finished...) to anyone willing to commit to learning the rules well enough to help with demos.

Sweet Dreams is in a similar situation.  The new books will be ready uncomfortably close to the GenCon date.  Prices are probably going to be $20 US for the Players' Book, $12 US for the Guidebook, but I won't be sure until we print.  I'll likely also offer a package deal with both books plus the Guide Screen for around $30.  

The Big Night books are available now ($8 US), and should be up on Key 20 Direct by August.  I just shipped them books last week.  Still working on making the PDF available.

I'll get a short GM primer PDF of both games available for Forgites as soon as possible.

Excited to hear it, Allan.  I just got my press pass confirmed, so I'm hoping we can see meet up there.

Malcolm Craig

Ron very kindly let me in at the last moment, so I'll be there with a bunch of a|state stuff. Hopefully we'll have 'GenCon only' print versions of some of our PDF stuff available as well.

Very much looking forward to GenCon this year. Last year I was wandering around looking a bit bemused by the scale of the entire thing. This year I should hopefully find my feet a lot more easily! Must try not to appear too jet-lagged after flying in from Edinburgh.

Malcolm Craig
Contested Ground Studios

Part of the Indie Press Revolution

Matt Gwinn

Now that the deadline has officially passed, can we get an updated list of who will be selling at the booth?

,Matt Gwinn
Kayfabe: The Inside Wrestling Game
On sale now at

Joshua A.C. Newman

Under The Bed, first game from the glyphpress (but not first product!), just finished playtest last weekend and needs a clarifying sentence or two. I have no doubt it will be available at the Con. It will be $16 to $18 (pending final print costs).

It requires 7d8!

It's really a stealth bid for bolstering the flagging d8 manufacturing industry.
the glyphpress's games are Shock: Social Science Fiction and Under the Bed.

I design books like Dogs in the Vineyard and The Mountain Witch.

Lisa Padol

Two questions, with apologies if this is the wrong topic to ask them on.

1. I heard a rumor that 2nd ed PTA and DitV will be available at GenCon. Is this correct?

2. Josh and I were not planning to go, but Josh noticed that the days I'd left between when we return from Britain and when we go back to work -- days we are already committed to taking off -- coincide with, well, GenCon Indy. If we yield to temptation, could you use an extra hand at the Forge booth (mine, as Josh will likely be spending most of his time in the CCG room)? We will be getting our own badges on our own dime if we go.
