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Seeking local Con support

Started by smokewolf, July 13, 2005, 02:18:11 PM

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Hello everyone, long time no hear from me. Hope those from GenCon 04 remember me. Thought I would see if anyone is interested here.

Just seeing if anyone wants their wares pushed at a local con, Runic Con. This is its second year in operation and had about 400 people attend last year. It was pretty cool, not too many vendors, alot of RPG and Mini play, plus CCG's of course.

If anyone wants to push something there, I would be willing to handle it. Whether its selling you game or simply demoing it. I will be there demoing The Swing already but there is plenty of time to run others.

I will not be having a dealers booth there, but I am good friends with the organizer and have made arrangments to sell items through his personal booth.

Anyone interested in me demoing their stuff let me know by the end of August, as it will give me time to read up on the system and not butcher it.

Anyone interested in me selling their goods, let me know. At best probably only 2-3 copies would move but at least thats 2-3 more customers. I will demo any game sent in to sell, except D20 stuff, unless its really really cool.

For more information about the Con:

BTW, I would be willing to do this at no charge. Just for the fun of these games.

PS> It was great seeing Mike and Luke at Origins. Too bad we couldn't get in a game of Natural Texas. BTW, is there a link to that game, I can't seem to find any info out on it.
Keith Taylor
93 Games Studio

As Real As It Gets


I can't tell, either from your post, or from the web-site, what city, state, country, etc. Runic-Con is occurring in.  I might be interested in attending, but not if it's in, like, Ultima Thule.
Just published: Capes
New Project:  Misery Bubblegum


Sorry never thought of that. But its in South Point, Oh. Basically where, Oh, Ky and Wv all meet. The Southern most point of Ohio.

I know the hotel its at, just not the name. Its like Grandview Inn or something like that on US 52. I asked the Con organizer and when I get the actual address I will post.
Keith Taylor
93 Games Studio

As Real As It Gets