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Diana Jones Awards - Ticket to Ride wins!

Started by GB Steve, August 18, 2005, 03:31:23 PM

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GB Steve

Once again, John Kovalic is quicker with the news than the official website:

Congratulations to Ticket to Ride, commiserations to Code of Unaris and Dogs in the Vineyard. Just getting a nomination puts you in august company!

Larry L.

A board game? Man, that game must really kick ass.


Congrats to Days of Wonder, they deserve it. They continually put out great games that have quality components, great playability, and most important, are accessible to non-gamers. I play the game with young teens and with old gamer friends. The end result is that Days of Wonder have managed to be the most effective way for me to introduce others to the general hobby.

As for Ticket to Ride: Europe, I dislike train games in general, but I love the game. Fast, fun, quick replayability, a bit of competition but not enough that you feel burned if you lose, and a dramatic endgame when the points are counted up (like many of their other games).

I was really torn between Dogs and Ticket, and I decided that if either won, I would be pleased.