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MACE 2005 - High Point, NC

Started by seawolf69, August 25, 2005, 03:08:04 AM

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Jason Morningstar

Yeah, seriously.  And you are all warmly invited to my 8-midnight saturday Roach game!

Andrew Norris

Well, damn. I was already planning to come to this, but I didn't even think about booking games.

I'll get signed up, and then maybe you folks can help me brainstorm on what to run. Or failing that, I suppose I could settle for the "disappointment" of just getting to play BW and Roach with their creators. ;)

Jonathan Walton

Looks like, after Clinton berating me to go, that I'll be at this one too.  Not sure what I'm running yet, officially.  Likely candidates: Nobilis, Continuum, more Dogs, Exalted: The Fair Folk.  I'll take requests too.  Plus, maybe a playtest of Vesperteen.

Kacka-Lacky represent!

Adam Dray

I started a Yahoo! Group called maceandforge for the purpose of continuing discussion and coordination for indie games at MACE. If you plan to attend MACE, please join this group so we can coordinate who is going to be doing what and where and when. I'd like to meet lots of indie gamers at the con, have long discussions, have a few drinks, and play some games.
Adam Dray /
Verge -- cyberpunk role-playing on the brink
FoundryMUSH - indie chat and play at 7777