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GNS and game design

Started by Fabrice G., March 27, 2002, 05:01:48 PM

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Fabrice G.

(i don't know if this should go here, or in the game design forum)

Okay, I've a question for all the GNS-rpg developpers.
If the player make a decision to increase the character efficiency it's a gamist choice, right ?
And if he make a decision that promote thème it's a narratisvist choice.

Now about design.
My basic understanding about GNS and rpg design is that you can judge a game by looking how it promote the  three (G N and S) types of decisions.

So what if a rpg promote a type of decision by applying an efficiency bonus ?
IE in a game that reward an action that is responding to the narrative Premise by making it that game N facilitating (makes the players answer the Premise) or G facilitating (the player choose the action because is character will be more efficient) ?

In other word, do you think that a game can promote N if the reward is an increase of the character/action efficiency ?


Ron Edwards

Hi Fabrice,

Your basic statement that a decision promoting efficiency is Gamist, is incorrect. It may contribute to any of the G, N, or S goals depending on the other circumstances.

It would promote a Gamist goal insofar as the player's victory/success/triumph is the metagame-level goal or basis for decisions. That is what defines Gamism, not any one mechanical element such as efficiency.

So yes, clearly, a reward mechanic that increases efficiency may be part of a Narrativist system - again, considered in combination all the other mechanical aspects of the game (e.g. "reward for what?").


Mike Holmes

The obvious example (which I'll pose for Ron) is the "Role-Playing" bonuses in Sorcerer. You get bonus dice for a description of the characters action that enhances the story. A perfect example of an efficiency bonus that rewards Narrativst play (and therby supports it).

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Fabrice G.


thanks for the clarification.


that's the exemple I had in mind.

I'll go to rpg design to push thing further down.

Thanks again.
