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Conquest NW

Started by rafial, December 08, 2005, 10:30:32 PM

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It seems that the folks that do Conquest LA and Conquest SF are expanding northwest, and are doing Conquest NW in the Seattle/Tacoma area in February:

Are there any Forge denizens other than myself who are planning to go, or more importantly run indie/small press RPGs there?

I signed up to run T&T and Burning Wheel, and it looks like I'm one of the first people to submit events to them in any category.

Also, has anybody been to the California Conquests?  Are they well run?  What has been the indie presence there?


I was at ConQuest LA this year, and there was very little roleplaying. The RPGs that were there wer pretty much all RPGA. Of course, there's very little indie/small press presence at conventions in this area, so it wasn't that surprising. The ConQuest shows are pretty boardgame-heavy as well. If you're interesting in knowing more about the shows, I interviewed Gabriel Vega at GenCon SoCal, and you can listen to it here:

As to boosting indie/small press presense in Southern California, well, that's a topic for another post. . .

Paul Tevis
Have Games, Will Travel @
A Fistful of Games @


There might be a Sweet Dreams presence at Conquest NW.  I was pretty disappointed by Dragonflight in Seattle in August.  mostly wargames, lots oof board games, and some RPGA.  I'm hesitant to send a representative to another Seattle con right away, but if there were more of an indie presence at Conquest, I might be more interested.  Strength in numbers.
Sweet Dreams - Romance, Espionage, and Horror in High School
The Big Night - children's game with puppets

In Progress:  Fingerprints
Playing:  PTA, Shock


Yeah, it was a weak year for RPGs at Dragonflight.  The past two years we got some folks together from Seattle Gamers Assemble <> to do an indie track, but nobody was willing to take point, so it didn't happen.


Thanks for the pointer.  I'd be interested in helping out.  Now, stupid question: what's the most useful way to help out?  Volunteer to run something Indie? 
I believe in peace and science.


QuoteNow, stupid question: what's the most useful way to help out?  Volunteer to run something Indie?

Yup...  If there are a couple of us, I might see if the con organizers are willing to highlight us as an "indie" track in the event schedule.  Dragonflight has done that for us in the past.