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[LoL] New Mechanic

Started by dindenver, December 12, 2005, 06:58:08 PM

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  Of course the characters should be doing stuff that is unexpected and contributing to the story. But this is contributing to something outside the scope of the current plot.
  Let's try not to focus on the old wording. The difference I am trying to make would be without Destiny a character would have to find a seedy bar, hit up the barkeep and find and persuade the contact into their confidence. As opposed to running across an old friend who just happens to have all the right answers.
  I think both modes of pay are fun and rewarding, and if the destiny system is written correctly, then it will encourage this style of play, no?
Dave M
Author of Legends of Lanasia RPG (Still in beta)
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Sydney Freedberg

Quote from: dindenver on December 14, 2005, 11:13:07 PMBut this is contributing to something outside the scope of the current plot.

Okay, but what's "the scope of the current plot"? Hell, what's "the plot" anyway? A checklist of events the GM wants the players to go through (maybe in a particular order, maybe not)? Either that's a sort-of-plan, sort-of-wish that probably won't come true, or the GM has to get the players to do what s/he has in mind, which in practice often means making the players do it, which gets everyone mad and yelling "railroad! Railroad!" Or is "plot" something else altogether?

I summed up a bunch of Forge-recommended alternatives to the "linear plot" here, by the way. ( if the link doesn't work). It's probably worth checking out just so we aren't talking past each other.