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[Southern California] Indie Games @ OrcCon, Feb 17-20

Started by ptevis, December 14, 2005, 07:57:08 PM

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One of the things that's been bugging me for a while (especially since talking with Luke at GenCon SoCal) is the absence of indie games from conventions around here. Of course, I've been part of the problem, as I've not been volunteering to run them. I've noticed that there are several people from the Los Angeles area on these boards, so I'd like to try to turn this trend around. I'm know I'm going to try to run a double-slot game of The Mountain Witch, and I might slip in a game of Dogs. Any Forgites willing to come out to try and support me? Anything people would like to see me do instead? I'd love to stir up some interest in these types of games, but I can't do it alone.


Paul Tevis
Have Games, Will Travel @
A Fistful of Games @

Josh Roby

On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog


This is also due in part to Jesse's comments here about the state of RPGs at Los Angeles area conventions. He makes a good point that gaming at these cons is reasonably clique-y, and I have the feeling that there might be enough of us in the area to make our presence felt. Also, the group running the RPG section has changed recently as and demonstrated substantially more clue.
Paul Tevis
Have Games, Will Travel @
A Fistful of Games @

Josh Roby

Well, as it looks like I can show up for a day for free, I'm all about driving half an hour down the 105 to game.  I'm in.
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog



Well, I'd definitely consider consider returning to the con scene if I knew I'd have back up.  In the thread ptevis linked too I made suggestions about sort of blitzing the open gaming room.  Any thoughts on whether that would be a good idea or not?



Open gaming was pretty bare last con, but as I've become fond of it at other shows, I'd love to see a "storming." However, attendence is low enough that open gaming is likely to be slim pickings. Not that we shouldn't try to change that.

Paul Tevis
Have Games, Will Travel @
A Fistful of Games @


Hmmm... I'm not sure where open gaming is located relative to normal traffic flow.  My main point was that if you run an event and no one shows up, then it's just us in a room.  Rock on for us, but it doesn't do much to raise awareness of these games.  But if we start with just us in open gaming then we increase our odds of attracting the attention of a passer-by.  But then, if there are no passer bys to attract, it might not be a worth while strategy.



RPG opening game is on the second floor, between the RPG signups and the dealer's room. It's not a bad spot, actually. In fact, it's probably about as good as it could be for that sort of thing.

It looks there will be a scheduled Mountain Witch game on Sunday at 10 AM, scheduled to last until 7 PM, with a break for lunch.

Paul Tevis
Have Games, Will Travel @
A Fistful of Games @

Josh Roby

When is this thing, February?  I can certainly bring some copies of CtH and run little bursts of that game, and I very well may have FLFS materials for teaser/playtest/demo.  I'd also be fine cribbing TonyLB's notes on the Dogs demo.
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog


Hi guys,

one way we built up interest in small press games in NYC was by actively hitting the local cons and game days and running both walk in demo style games and scheduled, four hour games. Mike Miller and I became very effective at taking new players who had wandered into our games and farming them off to each other. Lots of folks will be willing to try something new, if given the chance. And if they have a good time, they're more likely to try the other things you suggest.

If you're interested in expanding the small press rpg presence in SoCal, then I strongly urge you to try to appeal to the local gaming crowd. It's nice to have a base of like-minded folks, but if you hit the cons just to play with your friends, then we're back where we started. Generating the interest in your scheduled games takes a bit more effort than usual. Talk to the con organizers about featuring you as "new and cool" on their website. Make sure you get into the schedule, and don't be afraid to pass out flyers advertising your schedule. We also try to get a reasonably public table to play at. People invariably walk up to the table to see what all the ruckus is about.  Those people are more likely to try these games with you in the future.

Just my two cents. I hope you don't mind my butting in.


Josh Roby

Quote from: abzu on December 16, 2005, 05:01:26 PMJust my two cents. I hope you don't mind my butting in.

Not at all, Luke.  That all sounds like great advice.  I can't quite tell if the event schedule is finalized or not for OrcCon.  I'll have to wait for an email response.  Now I just need to figure out how many tubs of chocolate-covered espresso beans I need to eat so I can have half of your energy!
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog


QuoteJust my two cents. I hope you don't mind my butting in.

Not at all. It's important to figure out and keep in mind what we're trying to do.

So, Josh, Jesse, what is that?

Paul Tevis
Have Games, Will Travel @
A Fistful of Games @

Josh Roby

I'd be all over running some stuff -- Dogs, CtH, maybe FLFS (but it won't be in a pretty format at that point).  I'm going to see if I can get on the schedule.
On Sale: Full Light, Full Steam and Sons of Liberty | Developing: Agora | My Blog


For Con play my eyes have been on Capes and My Life With Master.  I also always look for opportunities to take my Gothic Fantasy material for Sorcerer our for a spin.  If the event schedule isn't closed yet (and if I'm really availble, 99% sure but my wife sometimes schedules events months in advance that I  then forget about), then I'll email the coordinator and post some events too.

Before I do, I'll post my schedule thoughts here and get some feedback and see if we want to co-ordinate in anyway.
