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Dungeon Siege

Started by Valamir, April 10, 2002, 02:34:17 AM

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Ok, I know that its a CRPG and definitely isn't indie, but I thought I'd throw up some commentary about it since I just dumped $50 on the thing.

Dungeon Siege is pure extreme unadulterated Gamism.  It out Diablos Diablo.  But it isn't really good Gamism.  There is absolutely nothing, I repeat nothing to this game other than leveling up.  Zero.  Unlike other CRPGs like Baldur's Gate or Arcanum, there is no hint of free will in Dungeon Siege.  It is 100% railroaded.  Follow this path, it will take you to monsters and dialog points.

The sum total of your ability to control anything in the game is choosing to wander off the path (for as far as it will let you, which ain't far) in order to kill the hidden baddies that otherwise you could bypass.  For the sole purpose of course of getting more XPs and loot.

There are the usual gamist choices of which armor to wear, what weapon to wield and what skills to learn.  These are mostly entirely useless.  There are only 4 skills, and 3 stats.  Hit things with a weapon (doesn't matter what, hoe or sword) and you gain Melee skill and Strength stat.  Shoot things with a bow and you gain Range skill and Dexterity.  Blast things with Magic and you gain Intellegence.  Wait...there are TWO magic skills, Combat and Nature....ooooohhhhhh.

As for the Weapon and Armor Choices both are plentiful and incremental.  There is no real choice if Armor B is better than Armor A and you have both.  There is not even any real need to specialize in skills.  Every fighter should have both bow and melee and the usual tactic (being real time) is to arm the bow, step incrementally closer to the baddy until it sees you and charges, riddle him with arrows and then switch to melee to finish him off.  

The only challenge is when the computer sends a bunch of baddies at you at the same which point the action is so chaotic you are limited mostly to deciding when to drink heal potions.

Recommendation:  Unless you're the sort who likes to watch hamsters run around in their little wheels, don't waste your money.

This Consumer Service announcement brought to you by Valamir.  We now return you to your regularly scheduled table top game reviews.


Though this review is probably in the wrong place.
I still must thank you.

This game sounds less interesting and more complex than Diablo2.

I appreciate the warning.


This game was started by the creator on a tiny budget in the back of his garage basically. He sold the idea to microsofts game division. Microsoft is also the distributor, not the author of the game.

Gas Powered Games started this out with a dream and a prayer, much like all of us fools.

This definitely fits.

"Destiny dressed you today Arthur, and now fear is trying to take off your pants..." The Tick


Quote from: Robotron666This game was started by the creator on a tiny budget in the back of his garage basically. He sold the idea to microsofts game division. Microsoft is also the distributor, not the author of the game.

Gas Powered Games started this out with a dream and a prayer, much like all of us fools.

I don't think so.  The author of Dungeon Siege also wrote Total Annihilation, which was one of the best RTS games of its time.  He was at least an established author when it came to DS.  

I'd be very surprised if any game with graphics like DS's could be indie.  The market wouldn't allow it (unless MS actually *sponsored* him).  3D graphic artists are too highly sought after.  

Want a real indie CRPG?  Uplink.  It daren't call itself an RPG because it doesn't include lethal combat, but it clearly is one.  And it gets MANY things right that so many other CRPG's get wrong.