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Dogs in the Vineyard's sales

Started by lumpley, January 12, 2006, 06:23:19 PM

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In case anybody's interested, I've just posted a chart showing Dogs in the Vineyard's lifetime direct sales at my blog: Year-end sales chart.

I welcome questions and comments, here or there.



Good show!

The continued mention of DitV on various web forums and your appearance at cons is certainly keeping the ball rolling. I think your sales will roll along at a steady pace for a a good while to come. The PDF sales certainly help the bottom line - no cost of sale expense.

Chris Engle
Hamster Press = Engle Matrix Games
Chris Engle
Hamster Press = Engle Matrix Games


That's very informative. The connection between threads and sales doesn't seem too surprising, since this seems to be a word of mouth idustry, but it's nice to see it confirmed. It's kind of you to share this information us. It's very informative for someone just starting out.


Very enlightening. The replies added over time offer now a lot more than when I first viewed the thread.
Guy Shalev.

Cranium Rats Central, looking for playtesters for my various games.
CSI Games, my RPG Blog and Project. Last Updated on: January 29th 2010


I was wondering if you do a lot of con sales? after looking at some con's, the booths aren't cheap. Are con's worth while?
Tim Goldman
Professional College student


I've never gotten my own booth at a con, but I've shared booths - the Forge booth at three GenCons and the Indie Games Explosion booth at Dreamation '05. Every time, my sales have paid for the convention for me.

I wouldn't get a booth of my own. More expense + less energy at the booth = losing money two ways.

I wouldn't miss selling my game in the Forge booth at GenCon for anything.
