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Jared, Luke and Vincent at Vericon

Started by Luke, January 26, 2006, 07:47:15 PM

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Jared, Vincent and I will be giving a panel about designing games that don't suck at Vericon in Cambridge, Ma. The panel is Saturday at 2:30.

Please come and join in the discussion and help us spread the word.




Will you be able to post some sort of transcript/notes/summary of what you guys say somewhere?  I'd love to read it.  I just live so far away from any other Forgites that I hate to miss out on some really good stuff.



Nathan P.

Gah, unfortunately I can't make it - I have a prior committment in Providence, and she won't like it if I leave her stranded at the airport. But I hope it goes well, and I second the request for some kind of notes or transcript. Any podcasters able to make it?
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
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I think Design Matters


i have no means or intention of recording this event.

Andrew Cooper

Okay... somebody go record this thing.  It'd be great for a Podcast, if anyone can do that sort of thing and the designers don't mind.


If I bring my laptop, I could try live-blogging the panel IN REAL TIME. But I'd be putting errors in on purpose, so that's an imperfect solution.

Actually, if I was doing a live-blogging thread, should I do it in the Conventions forum?


Thank you to everyone who participated in our discussion. I had a great time.

And thanks for the organizers at Vericon for putting it all together. Next year, we want to change the format, but we'd definitely do it again.


Brennan Taylor

What was dissatisfying about the format, Luke, and how did this panel compare to the one at Dreamation?

Thor Olavsrud

Quote from: Brennan Taylor on January 30, 2006, 03:38:48 PM
What was dissatisfying about the format, Luke, and how did this panel compare to the one at Dreamation?

Dreamation was a round-table discussion. It was good. Vericon was quite decent, but Jared, Vincent and Luke were on a lecture stage in front of a chalk board (Jared took the lectern), and the audience was seated facing them (and not each other). A fair number of people wandered in about half-way through, after the Webcomic panel let out. They missed the theory discussion at the beginning, so they asked some questions that had already been covered.

The panel needs to establish some ground rules at the beginning, similar to what Vincent has laid down on his blog in the past few days. Things derailed for a little while early on, as the participants started arguing/discussing the definitions of Expectations, Permissions and Agreements, rather than engaging in more fruitful discussion.

Otherwise, I thought it went quite  well.

Blake T. Deakin

Quote from: Thor Olavsrud on January 30, 2006, 05:04:29 PM
Quote from: Brennan Taylor on January 30, 2006, 03:38:48 PM
What was dissatisfying about the format, Luke, and how did this panel compare to the one at Dreamation?

The panel needs to establish some ground rules at the beginning, similar to what Vincent has laid down on his blog in the past few days. Things derailed for a little while early on, as the participants started arguing/discussing the definitions of Expectations, Permissions and Agreements, rather than engaging in more fruitful discussion.

It seems to me that a fruitful discussion would be built on the mutual acceptance of these concepts.
Dessert is a dish best served cold.


Sorry, I was one of the folks that walked in late.  It was difficult to leave the webcomics panel early.  Not only because it was a good panel, but because we were packed in like sardines with little room to sneak out without disturbing all those around you.

Anyway, I enjoyed what I was able to hear and particularly enjoyed playing a short game of InSpectres with Jared afterward.

I do agree that it would have been beneficial to have been there for the first half-hour.  There was a cryptic drawing on the blackboard that was referenced quite a few times.  Something tells me it wasn't a D&D character sheet. ;)

Nathan P.

I did manage to make it and, putting my money where my mouth (hand?) is, I took notes which I'll turn into a fairly accurate transcript for those interested/those who didn't make it to the first part. Should be up in the next couple days.

But yes. Cool, valuable, fun. Thanks guys!
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters

Nathan P.

And done and done. Figured it was more appropriate to put on my blog for those interested.
Nathan P.
Find Annalise
My Games | ndp design
Also | carry. a game about war.
I think Design Matters