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The Doors of RPG-Perception

Started by Dirk Ackermann, February 25, 2006, 05:28:05 PM

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Dirk Ackermann

Hi All,

I really did not know where to post this. But it is a question that can only be answered in Actual Play, so ...

In the HeroQuest Forum there is this interesting "HeroQuesting during hypnosis" topic.

Has anybody experiences with hypnosis and roleplaying?

And further:

Has anybody used drugs while roleplaying?

I played a PC game years ago while I was still on some Psilocybin. It was the very strongest "in-feeling" I had ever in a PC game.

I do not like to discuss the bad and good sides of drug using. Just the experiences and the ramifications, if there are any.

Thank you,
In which way are you lucky?


--Timothy Walters Kleinert


Things have changed a bit for me these days, but in the past I rarely played without smoking pot. As in other situations, pot helps you relax and concentrate, though it can sometimes screw with your memory.

I tried to run a game after taking some acid once, but I had to give up after a while. It seemed too ridiculous a thing to be doing.
AKA Jeff Zahari