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[Contenders] Ronny winner published

Started by Joe J Prince, March 21, 2006, 09:51:00 PM

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Joe J Prince

Hey everyone,

Just a quickie to say that after months of procrastination, I've bitten the bullet and published Contenders in pdf format.
I've managed to get it out in time for my first official convention appearance this weekend!

I believe it's the first of the Ronnies to be published (first of many hopefully).

Thanks for all the help from the forge, especially thanks to Ron for setting the whole thing in motion!

So swing on by and check out a dramatic boxing rpg, it's a bargain.


Ron Edwards


Fantastic work, Joe.

Best, Ron

Larry L.

Ooh ooh ooh!


The web site renders a little weird, you might want someone to look at that. Text flowing behind images and stuff.

So I get to rpgnow, and there's a product bundle staring me in the face with two items. I'm not sure why there are two items. I get all confused and frightened at this stage and put my credit card away.

Just a couple marketing-type observations for ya.

Other than that, congratulations!

Joe J Prince

Sorry it's taken me a while to reply, I've had a busy week and made my first convention appearance!
Conpulsion was awesome, so much fun - I caught up with old friends and met loads of cool gamer people. And Gregor ;-P

Cheers Ron!

Larry, thanks for the feedback. The white covered booklet is a printer friendly version of Contenders, formatted to print double sided and fold into a handy booklet. Thus saving you paper and ink! You can't really read it on screen though. I've changed the description on rpgnow, hopefully it makes more sense now!

The site should display correctly in the latest version of explorer, other browsers can have issues with it. I'll sort it out properly one day...


Malcolm Craig


Great to see Contenders out there and I'm certainly glad I picked up the printed version at Conpulsion (thanks for the PDF as well, by the way). There was certainly great enthusiasm for your games at the con, Stuart especially was grinning from ear to ear after playing 'Piledrivers & Powerbombs'! And it was good to meet you in person, hopefully you'll be able to make a return visit next year, if not before.


Malcolm Craig
Contested Ground Studios

Part of the Indie Press Revolution