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massmurder -a stg with real people

Started by Petter Sandelin, April 24, 2002, 08:09:28 AM

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Petter Sandelin

Massmurderer  “a storytelling game with real people”

You'll need a place to play at, where you can look out over people passing by. A bunch of sick friends also helps. Play moves in turns and starts with the first player pointing out somebody in the crowd as his murderer. The player then describes one of his murders, a description of the victim and the method of murder must be included. Play then moves on, a method of murder or victim too similar to something already described can never be used. When it's your turn again, you can continue with your murderer if he is visible or choose a new one if you like. If your murderer moves out of sight when it's your turn you must stop, the next player can describe how the victim takes revenge and kills him, and then move on to his murderer. At any time, anyone can declare the murderer with most victims (visible or not, but he must be alive!) “killer of the century”. If everybody agrees, that murderers player wins.

Henry Fitch

Maybe I'm a psycho, but this sounds like fun. More of a pastime than a game, though, and certainly not an RPG.
formerly known as Winged Coyote