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Music Thing

Started by Henry Fitch, April 26, 2002, 10:22:52 PM

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Henry Fitch

Yeah. Here's a plug-in type thing that occured to me a few minutes ago. I hope it belongs in this forum, I wasn't sure where to put it...

Anyway, here's the idea.

Part 1: Each player, at chargen, selects 3 songs that go with their character. Any songs can be chosen, but they should be ones that are easily usable in Part 2 (see below). Before play begins, all the songs should be burnt onto a single CD, which will be kept near at hand in a CD player at all times during play.

Parts 2: At the end of a scene in which a character has succeeded exceptionally / greatly impacted the story / had a big important character moment, that character's player may elect to put the game on hold for a few minutes and play whichever of their songs is most appropriate to the moment. Preferably at high volume. Then all players and the GM are obligated to Rock Out to the song. This may include dancing crazily, marching around, and jumping, as well as anything else appropriate. The player who initiated the Rock Out should stand in the center of the area and generally be the center of the attention.

It may be appropriate to allow quiet, reflective music, to be used after quiet, reflective scenes, which would cause quiet, reflective listening rather than Rocking Out.

Naturally, this would be more appropriate for some games than others.

Edit: Air guitar! I forgot air guitar, and lip-synching. Those are good. Also, if any big action things like fights happened, you may want to act them out in a manic and impromptu fashion. Or improvise a harshly mocking pantomime of a villain that was just vanquished.
formerly known as Winged Coyote

Tim Denee

Man, this is awesome. Great idea. I'm totally gonna do this at my next game (fingers crossed, only one month till I lose my narrativist virginity!)