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Need artist who does cities

Started by Jasper, June 14, 2006, 06:34:57 PM

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I need a cover piece for my game City of Birds.

I'm not planning on any figures, so I need an artist who's comfortable with landscapes and ancient cities. I have several ideas for what I want, though these are not set in stone -- contact me and I can send sketches, etc. The cover needs to be color but something a little rough looking, like watercolors, would work fine. I do not want an anime or cartoon look.

Clearly, this is for a small-press indie release, with that kind of budget. I may or may not have interior artwork, and all I'm looking for at the moment is the cover.

Anyone who's worked with an artist who did landscape/city stuff for them, please let me know who.
Jasper McChesney
Primeval Games Press

Jennifer Rodgers

Hello, when are you looking to have the cover art finished by?
Jennifer Rodgers
I am the IllustraTOR
News blog:


No hard deadline. Within 6 months I'd think.
Jasper McChesney
Primeval Games Press