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Origins question

Started by btrc, June 26, 2006, 02:56:25 PM

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I just got a generic email from AAGAD about the Origins Awards, asking for a name and cell phone number of the person to step up and recieve an award. This is in the event I actually win one, since the awardees are apparently being kept secret this year until the envelope is opened. Anyway, due to previous family committments, I wasn't going to make it to Origins this year. So, I'm looking for a volunteer who is a) going to Origins, b) planning to attend the awards ceremony, so that c) if I actually win something, d) said person can go up to the podium, cackle maniacally and brandish the statue menancingly at the stunned masses. And maybe say a few words.

Scheduling details from the email:

You are cordially invited to join us for the 32nd Origins Awards

     Friday, June 30, 2006
Origins International Games Expo 2006

The Columbus Convention Center Ballroom 1
    6:00 pm - Pre-Ceremony Entertainment and Cash Bar
    7:00 pm  - Origins Awards Presentation * 
    8:30 pm. -  Origins Awards Party  (Free to all Award Nominees and Academy Supporting Members.)

* Preferred seating is available to Award Nominees and Academy Supporting Members

Dress: Formal preferred ("Gamer-casual" permitted for all Origins Attendees.)
(Fat chance! The last time I wore formal was at my wedding, and the next time will be at my funeral - Greg)

PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING Announcement Programs at Origins 2006

Thursday, June 29
9:30 am - Vanguard Awards Presentation (Academy Stage, Main Exhibit Hall) 
(that would be the category Infinite Armies is in - Greg)

Friday, June 30
  6:00 pm Origins Award Program (Ballroom 1)

Saturday, July 1
   7:00 pm GAMA Hall of Fame and Guest of Honor Dinner (Room EE)

Sunday, July 2
   9:30am - Origins New Release Awards Presentation (Academy Stage, Main Exhibit Hall)

Some other indie representative would be my first choice as a proxy. If there are no takers, I'll cast my net a bit wider. Contact me by regular email or a Forge message if interested or available.

Greg Porter


I was very happy to pick up Greg's Unique Vanguard Callie for Infinite Armies, as promised I name-checked indie / small press games, rolled my eyes and laughed maniacally. Greg's two statuettes (for the dude and for the company) will be coming to GenCon, where I hope he shows them off. They're hawt.

- Alexander

P.S. Absent other instructions, Greg only thanked me for picking the award up for him.
Winning gives birth to hostility.
Losing, one lies down in pain.
The calmed lie down with ease,
having set winning & losing aside.

- Samyutta Nikaya III, 14