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[TSOY] dubious rules fragment

Started by oliof, July 10, 2006, 01:20:16 PM

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I am in the process of translating TSOY to german, and I stumbled about this paragraph in the rules:

The third and final step is actually rolling the dice. If the success level is equal or better than the difficulty, the character has succeeded. The Story Guide and players should use the success level to describe how the character performed at the stated intention.

Isn't a set difficulty against the start of the conflict rules, where it is said that you succeed on  a 1 or more, and dificulty is expressed by penalty dice? Shouldn't the second senctence of that paragraph be "If the result of adding the dice and ability, the character has succeeded." or similar? It would put this paragraph in line with the rest of the text IMHO.

I suspect errata might be found on the average bear wiki, but I can't connect to that at the moment for reasons beyond my ken.


colin roald

Yes, that's an error.  Any success (ie, a roll of 1 or more) is a success.
colin roald

i cannot, yet i must.  how do you calculate that?  at what point on the graph do `must' and `cannot' meet?  yet i must, but i cannot.
-- Ro-Man, the introspective gorilla-suited destroyer of worlds