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"Mexican Standoff" Print edition for GenCon

Started by timfire, July 23, 2006, 10:11:33 PM

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Having noticed my listing for "Mexican Standoff" in my product-list for GenCon, Guy Shalev asked:

Quote from: Thunder_GodSo it's now more than the one-page thingy which was posted on IPR?

Not really---though if I may quibble, it was always like 4- or 5-pages, not one. Anyway, I'm offering a limited run "print" edition at GenCon. I won't be offering it at IPR, convention item only. I've clarified and re-worked the text a bit and added an idea Ron suggested. I've also got Keith Senkowski to do some nice artwork for me. But in all that matters it's still the same game.

It's going to be 8" x 5.2", saddle stitched (stapled), and 12 pages + cover. It's turning into a nice little package that I can be proud of; something you can fit in your package and pass around to your friends at a party. (And well worth the $4 I'm asking for it.)
--Timothy Walters Kleinert

Emily Care

Sweet. This is a great way to present a game. Looking forward to getting mine.
See you soon, Tim.

Koti ei ole koti ilman saunaa.

Black & Green Games